The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition in practice by Max Blanck
Examples of FSN Forum Making FS policy and drafting processes more inclusive CFS HLPE Post 2015 SAN Dominicana Sharing and making knowledge available: Indigenous food preparation Social networks Awareness raising and advocacy ICN2 How to feed the world in 2050
How a Forum Discussion Works Interested Member/ Team contacts FSN Forum Topic note and questions are developed. FSN Team assists Discussion page is created Discussion is launched for 3 weeks FSN Team provides the advertisement and moderation Digest with latest comments are sent out Summary, brief, handout is prepared Feedback is collected
CFS Global Strategic Framework (GSF) Proposed Annotated Outline Task Team to draft V1 Review and facilitate buy-in by stakeholders CFS Secretariat Regional Consultations Final Draft CFS
High Level Panel of Experts of the CFS Review to set the track Seek suggestions and inputs Proposed Scope Preparation of draft report Preparation of final report CFS 2012 Recommendations to countries HLPE Draft report Project Team
High Level Panel of Experts of the CFS Quote from Maryam Rahmanian (Vice-Chairperson of the HLPE Steering Committee) at the presentation of the reports on Climate Change and Social Protection. The HLPE holds open online consultations so that any informed voice can be brought to our attention and to widen he circles from which evidence is made available, including experiences from the ground. […] These consultations and the growing network we are building through them are invaluable to our work. In particular the contributions from civil society are important in bringing fresh and challenging perspectives and are particularly appreciated. […]
Post 2015 Development Agenda Discussion with CFS Stakeholders E- consultation to brainstorm on new agenda High Level meeting in Madrid UN General Assembly Discussion Adoption of post 2015 global development agenda
Food Security Action Plan for the Caribbean Country Implementation Draft document Final Action Plan Gather views and inputs of key regional CSOs CARICOM CARICOM Meeting of Ministers Approved Action Plan
Food Security Law for the Dominican Republic Physical consultation meetings facilitated by CSOs Enact Legislation Villages Draft Law Draft to be presented to Parliament Online Consultation Dominican Government
Knowledge sharing in practice A Zimbabwean graduate research assistant at Mississippi State University explores the role of the impact of indigenous methods of food preparation on food security and nutrition A Kenyan graduate student at the University of Alberta investigates the role of social relations and networks in household food security and nutrition
Awareness raising and advocacy on nutrition The secretariat of a big international conference on nutrition uses a series of online discussion to expand outreach and inform the meetings agenda A high-level international meeting on food governance is made accessible and participatory through the organization of a preparatory online discussion
Facilitation: lessons learned & good practices Ideal duration: 3 weeks Few and clear questions As much personal engagement with participants as possible Use of other networks and social media for promotion Linking the discussion to a physical event where possible