Gender and Language
Language and Gender An ambulance screeches to a halt in front of the emergency room entrance. A body is rushed from the ambulance to the operating room. The boy's father has not survived the car crash, but there may still be a chance of saving the young man. The surgeon sees the body on the operating table and exclaims, 'I can't operate! This is my son!' How is this possible?
LANGUAGE AND GENDER Responses? The surgeon is the boy's mother
LANGUAGE AND GENDER With the following words, consider whether you would use them to describe one gender only. Consider the mental images you attach to them. Beautiful Buff Hot Handsome Coy Rambunctious Lively
LANGUAGE AND GENDER This topic asks ask us to become more aware of language as an expression of gender identities. When we talk about gender in reference to language, we are referring to the way language emobides, reinforces and creates a socially constructed notion of maleness or femaleness Is gender in the mind, and sex in the body? Male and female are considered to be sex-based categories, while feminity and masculinity are gender-based categories. How can language be gender-biased?
LANGUAGE AND GENDER Look at the following adverstisements for the same product. Consider: What words are gendered? Identify terms and phrases that indicate masculinity and femininity How does each advertisement construct masculinity through language? What does it mean to be masculine and feminine in each advert?
Language and gender Write! How does language reinforce stereotypes or culturally received ideas about what different genders do, and don‘t do, think and don‘t think? Find a gender based advertisement to deconstruct.