Forest plot summarizing the primary analysis and all sensitivity analyses. a90-day grace period. bStratified by diabetic retinopathy screening in the year.


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Presentation transcript:

Forest plot summarizing the primary analysis and all sensitivity analyses. a90-day grace period. bStratified by diabetic retinopathy screening in the year before cohort entry. cAdditionally adjusting for use of antidiabetic drugs in the year before cohort entry. dExcluding thiazolidinedione users from the two main exposure categories. eMultiple imputation for missing values of BMI category, HbA1c level, smoking status, and Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile. Forest plot summarizing the primary analysis and all sensitivity analyses. a90-day grace period. bStratified by diabetic retinopathy screening in the year before cohort entry. cAdditionally adjusting for use of antidiabetic drugs in the year before cohort entry. dExcluding thiazolidinedione users from the two main exposure categories. eMultiple imputation for missing values of BMI category, HbA1c level, smoking status, and Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile. Antonios Douros et al. Dia Care 2018;41:2330-2338 ©2018 by American Diabetes Association