In-hospital outcomes: community- versus hospital-acquired AKI


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Presentation transcript:

In-hospital outcomes: community- versus hospital-acquired AKI In-hospital outcomes: community- versus hospital-acquired AKI. The graph demonstrates the percentage of AKI episodes that showed recovery/death/progression of CKD, that were unrecognized, or that occurred in patients discharged on RRT following AKI. The num... In-hospital outcomes: community- versus hospital-acquired AKI. The graph demonstrates the percentage of AKI episodes that showed recovery/death/progression of CKD, that were unrecognized, or that occurred in patients discharged on RRT following AKI. The numbers at the top of the individual bars reflect the actual numbers of AKI episodes within this group. P values were calculated using Pearson chi-squared test/Fisher exact test where appropriate. +Unrecognized renal impairment, defined as a discharge from the hospital with worsening renal impairment without acknowledgment in discharge letter or follow-up planned. *Figures for inpatient (IP) deaths include those who died with AKI and those who had recovered from an AKI episode but died subsequently. Alexa Wonnacott et al. CJASN 2014;9:1007-1014 ©2014 by American Society of Nephrology