Indicator: % of population in an area of BMU implementing DOTS Model Indicators INPUT Human and financial resources Development of training materials PROCESS Conduct one DOTS training workshop in each district for providers OUTPUT Providers trained in updated DOTS service provision OUTCOME Practitioners’ skills and knowledge increased Availability of quality DOTS services increased IMPACT Decrease in TB morbidity Speaker Notes This example demonstrates how indicators are related to logic models. This is a model for one activity associated with the results and logical framework for increasing family planning services. Three indicators are linked with this one activity: # of providers who have completed clinical training is linked to the output of having trained providers. This can provide information to the program about whether they are meeting their targets for training providers % of providers scoring 85-100 on practitioners skills and knowledge checklist relates to the intended outcome of improving their knowledge and skills. # of facilities providing family planning services links to the intended outcome of increasing the availability of services. What is hoped to follow from increasing providers’ skills and knowledge is that more facilities will be able to offer these services. Indicator: % of population in an area of BMU implementing DOTS Indicator: % of health care units with at least one HCW trained in DOTS Indicator: % of providers scoring 85-100 on practitioner’s skills and knowledge checklist
Model Plan OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES INDICATOR MEASUREMENT SOURCE (existing or new) RESPONSIBLE Increase DOTS coverage Expand DOTS to from 50 to 100% of the country % of the BMU implementing the DOTS strategy Annual NTP budget allocated to implement DOTS as required by MDP Numerator: # of BMUs implementing DOTS Denominator: Total # of BMUs Numerator:Total # of funds allocated for DOTS-based TB control in the previous year’s NTP budget Demoninator: Total amount of funds for DOTS-based TB control in the previous year’s annual budget NTP MOH Annual NTP work plan and budget, MDP Increase awareness of TB in the community Organize educational awareness activities: theater, musical concert, films, sports events # and type of TB activity organized in the district % of population in the district that know TB is curable # and type of TB activities organized in the district Numerator: # of people who know TB is curable Denominator: Total # of people surveyed Program Reports Community Survey NGOs