Rosetta Stone for Learners Student Learners User name: firstname.lastnameMMDD PW: lunch code Headphones are yours to keep!
Dynamic Immersion
Quick Facts 1.5 hours of usage a week is recommended. 10-15 minutes a day for Elementary Students 15-20 minutes a day for Secondary is recommended. The Average Learner will complete a level in about 40 hours. There are 3-5 levels per language.
Course Loaded and Ready There are four units in every single level…Each level has four separate lessons. The core lesson, introduces genders, and different activities. The grey boxes are called Focus Activities…that follow each core lesson. Core lessons take about 30 minutes. Unit 1 & 2 don’t have reading focused activities until unit 3, it progresses through the level. Course Loaded and Ready
The legend that shows the symbols, click the “explore” link at the bottom of the page. Icons = Activities
Learners can repeat Activities to achieve Mastery
If the boxes are completely grey they haven’t touched it yet…if there is a check mark, they have achieved the minimum score, if they haven’t the box will be highlighted but not completed. The box at the end shows the Milestone completion. Check Progress
Point and Click Activities
Speaking Activities
Accessing Speech Analysis
Speech Analysis
: Learners have the ability to see their own reports here.
Change Sound settings
Choose appropriately for Speech Recognition
Recommended to start at Level One Choose Level Recommended to start at Level One
There are four units in every single level…Each level has four separate lessons. The core lesson, introduces genders, and different activities. The grey boxes are called Focus Activities…that follow each core lesson. Core lessons take about 30 minutes. Unit 1 & 2 don’t have reading focused activities until unit 3, it progresses through the level. Click on Start
Students and Teachers get One Set Free Choose Male or Female, this is only asked the one time, it is for voice recognition….It is important to choose the same sex as the participant. Microphone Set-up Students and Teachers get One Set Free
Select the USB Ear Microphone and Click Continue x
The number that is white at the bottom of the screen is what you are on, the green you mastered with 100%, green number with orange frame means you got it partially right, orange number with orange frame didn’t get any of it correct. Lets Get Started