Greek Mythology: lecture 4 The Theban Cycle: Part 1
Theban geneaology
Foundation of Thebes (a) Europa raped by Zeus in shape of bull, brothers travel to find her. Cadmus receives oracle to follow a cow & found city where it lays down. Comes to Boeotia – goes to fetch water & finds spring guarded by dragon. Kills dragon & sows its teeth – ‘Spartoi’ arise & do battle. Slays them, does penance & given Harmonia as wife. 5 children: Ino, Semele, Agave, Autonoe & Polydorus.
Foundation of Thebes (b) Zeus mates with Antiope, daughter of Nycteus, who is punished by imprisonment. Lycus & Dirce (king & queen of Thebes) keep her in torment. Gives birth to twins – Amphion & Zethus. Twins raised by herdsman & reunited with mother by chance. They kill tormentors & are given rule of Thebes – build its walls. City destroyed by Phlegyes after their deaths.
Labdacids Laius exiled to Peloponnese – returns & married Jocasta. Given oracle that he would be killed by his own son. Makes love to wife anyway – pierces son’s ankles & gives him to be exposed on Cithaeron Oedipus rescued & raised by Polybus of Corith.
Oedipus Seeks parentage at Delphic oracle – told he would kill father & marry mother. Meets Laius, quarrels & kills him. Travels to Thebes – afflicted by Sphinx. Solves riddle; Creon (regent) offers Jocasta as reward. Oedipus marries Jocasta & begets 4 children: Polynices, Eteocles, Antigone & Ismene.
Meanings: folktale motifs Prophecy/forewarning/other reason for exposure of child. Exposure, mutilation, (feral nursing), compassionate executioner. Rescue, rearing, precocity, conflict with coevals, departure. Act of valour, parricide, incest. Discovery, further crimes, penance, exaltation. Edmunds 1985
Meanings: self/other Drama = ‘other’ space. Thebes = ‘other’ space within ‘other’ space. Topos: ‘anti-Athens’; negative model in contrast to Athens, through which Athens can explore problems of self. Zeitlin 1990