HS Performance Standards and School Readiness Goals The HSPPS require your program to: Set goals for improving the school readiness of children 1302.102(a)(3) Establish goals in collaboration with the governing body and policy council 1302.102(a)(3) Align the goals with the ELOF 1302(a)(3) Evaluate progress toward reaching these goals 1302(b)(2)(i) Establish goals in consultation with parents 1304.11(b)(iii)
Head Start Early Learnings Outcome Framework
How are School Readiness Goals connected to coaching ? Improving our practices supports school readiness goals Professional Development goals and Intensive Coaching goals are connected to School Readiness goals by improving our HOVRS practices, our PAT Fidelity practices or focusing on GOLD dimensions. Coaching will support goals through observations, resources and optional trainings related to School Readiness goals, connecting them to chosen practices The Office of Head Start is moving from compliance and requirements to continued program improvement How are we continually improving our practices? How do we use our data to continuously improve School Readiness? If we continue to do what we have always done, we will continue to get the same results.
Head Start Program Performance Standards 1 302.92 Training and Professional Development (c) A program must implement a research-based, coordinated coaching strategy for education staff. HSPPS 1302.92 (c) (1) Assesses all education staff to identify strengths, areas of needed support, and which staff would benefit most from intensive coaching; HSPPS 1302.92 (C) (2) At a minimum, provides opportunities for intensive coaching to those education staff identified through the process in paragraph (1) of this section, including opportunities to be observed and receive feedback and modeling of effective teacher practice directly related to program performance goals; HSPPS 1302.92 (C) (3) At a minimum, provides opportunities for education staff not identified for intensive coaching through the process in paragraph (c) (1) of this section, to receive other forms of research-based professional development aligned with program performance goals;
What is Practice Based Coaching A professional development strategy that uses a cyclical process. This process supports teachers' use of effective teaching practices that lead to positive outcomes for children. PBC occurs in the context of collaborative partnerships. Steps Shared Goals and Action Planning Focused Observation Reflection and Feedback.
NMCAA EHS Required Goals Evaluation Goal -Completed with PSC. -Annual Requirement -Evaluation goals are designed around. . . -Completed once a program year and reviewed as needed with PSC. Intensive Practice Based Coaching Goal or Professional Development Goal -Completed with Coach. -Annual Requirement. -Goals will be designed around Practice Based Coaching Model. -Focused on researched based effective teaching and home visiting practices. (HOVRs, Teaching Strategies Gold Objectives, PAT Fidelity)
Intensive Practice Based Coaching Goal Chosen from Practice Based Coaching Survey Practices are chosen based on agency wide EHS scores from HOVRs and PAT Fidelity assessment and Teaching Strategies Gold Data. Observations by coach are completed every 2 to 3 weeks. Weekly contact with coach. Typically a year long cycle. Will be relieved of . . . . to participate
Professional Development Goal Practice is chosen from a researched based practice HOVRs Teaching Strategies Gold Objective; based around individuals gold data. PAT Assessment. -Goal setting is most beneficial in person. - Bi-monthly contact with coach via in-person, Zoom, or phone. - Optional small groups will be offered throughout the year.
SurveyMonkey Thoughts What would you change about the coaching process? “I'm not sure if my selected goal, or the options offered are anything that will benefit the families I work with.” “Make it optional” “More areas of interest to choose from on the survey, as well as availability of more personally crafted options” Resources/supports were provided through means most convenient for me (in person, via: text, e-mail, FaceTime; etc.)