Other Forms of Technical Writing LETTERS
III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES TYPES of Letters: Positive Negative Neutral Sales
III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 1) POSITIVE LETTERS: State good news immediately Examples – replying to a question @ products, services acknowledging receipt of order recommending for a promotion responding favorably to a routine request responding favorably to a complaint or adjustment hiring an employee
III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 1) POSITIVE LETTERS: ABC Abstract – bridge between this letter & previous communication clear statement of good news
III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 1) POSITIVE LETTERS: ABC Body – supporting data of main point clarification of possible questions reader may have qualification of good news, if any
III. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES 1) POSITIVE LETTERS: ABC Conclusion – statement of eagerness to continue relationship, complete project, … clear statement of what happens next, if relevant
IV. SUMMARY Make wise use of ATTACHMENTS Complete READER ANALYSIS place details in attachments keep particulars, specifics out of these brief communiqués Complete READER ANALYSIS address their needs write to their technical skill levels follow the Rule of “Firsts & Lasts”
IV. SUMMARY Follow the ABC Format Abstract Body Conclusion Plus the 3 C’s Strategy of Persuasion Capture Convince Control
IV. SUMMARY Have a clear PURPOSE & ORGANIZATION Purpose Statements ABC & #3 C’s Planning Forms Astutely employ PAGE DESIGN elements Headings Lists