APNIC Member Meeting APNIC16 Seoul, Korea DNS Ops SIG Report APNIC Member Meeting APNIC16 Seoul, Korea
DNS Ops SIG DNS Ops SIG meeting held at APNIC 16 on Wednesday 20th August 2003 70 people attended Presentations by George Michaelson, Randy Bush, Geoff Huston Chaired by Joe Abley
One Attendee proposed to replace the word “bind” with “DNS software” DNS Ops SIG Charter One Attendee proposed to replace the word “bind” with “DNS software” There were no objections to this proposal There were no other objections to the wording of the charter Endorsement required from attendees at Member Meeting today Circulate revised charter on ML for ‘comment period’ for 8 weeks
Revised DNS Ops SIG Charter The Charter of the DNS Ops SIG is to examine developments in policies and procedures for reverse DNS operations in the Asia Pacific Region. It will include topics such as reverse delegations for IPv6 networks, dynamic updates, secure DNS, current DNS software versions, and legacy transfers from other databases.
Open Action Items Action-dns-15-001 Secretariat to modify the lame delegation clean-up proposal and refer it back to the mailing list This was done, and the modified proposal was presented at the meeting at APNIC 16
Lame Delegation Cleanup George Michaelson presented a revised proposal for an automated approach to eliminating lame delegations from APNIC managed in-addr.arpa zones. Suggestion for APNIC to run a trial based on this proposal Reached consensus Needs endorsement from attendees at this meeting today Will be circulated on ML for ‘comment period’ for 8 weeks Delegation Randy Bush made an informational presentation on the issues surrounding delegations under (6-to-4 addresses)
Implementation of Delegations Geoff Huston made an informational presentation of a strawman proposal for managing delegations Some brief discussion ensued There were some reservations expressed as to whether there was sufficient demand for 2002:: delegations to even merit an automated solution
Meeting closed with no further issues being raised from the floor DNS Ops SIG Meeting closed with no further issues being raised from the floor Action Item Action-dns-16-001 To adopt revised charter subject to endorsement from meeting and ‘comment period’ on ML Action-dns-16-002 APNIC to implement trial lame DNS sweeping procedures in line with proposal subject to endorsement from meeting and ‘comment period’ on ML