Experiences from PEI in Asia and the Pacific - Economic Assessments PEI Africa Regional Economic Forum, Nairobi, 8-11 Nov 2010 www.unpei.org
Thailand www.unpei.org
Thailand: Valuation of ecosystem services for human well-being Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Sub-Global Assessment (SGA) for Nan, Thailand Policy Questions: At the community level: What ecosystem services do maize, rubber and community forest use and provide, and how do changes in land-use practices influence the well-being of different social groups? At the provincial level: How can the Provincial Development Policy better integrate agricultural development centered on commercial crops with conservation efforts to enhance well-being and maintain ecosystem services? National level: Expansion of commercial crops in many provinces in Thailand. How to gear development towards an environmentally friendly economy? .
Thailand: Valuation of ecosystem services for human well-being Analytical framework What are key drivers and trends on land-use changes to maize, rubber and community forestry? What are the relationships between different ecosystem services in maize and rubber plantations, community forestry and people’s well-being in the study area? What are options for local and provincial development strategy that maintains ecosystem services and people’s well-being? www.unpei.org
Thailand: Valuation of ecosystem services for human well-being Critical areas to be assessed in terms of upland development and ecosystem services Upland cultivation impacts on soils Expansion of maize causing higher run off and sediment generation Conversion of swidden cultivation to permanent mono-cropping, i.e. rubber Community or State managed forest Study site
Thailand: Valuation of ecosystem services for human well-being The economic assessment tools will be used for 3 aspects; o Household analysis for valuing the ecosystem services and livelihood impact o Cost-benefit analysis for assessing trade-offs between key ecosystem services o Trend analysis for forecasting the trend of maize and rubber plantation area