Exam Prep Learning Strategies
Know how to prepare. (Exam info) Know what to prepare for. (Exam info) Do not learn facts out of context. Context = narrative, major periods, watersheds
Efficient learning QUESTIONS Ask yourself. Ask preliminary questions concerning the chapter or the source text. MULTIMODULE LEARNING Use several modes (modules of learning): text, images, videos, timelines Read, say, hear, see/watch, write, organize, rearrange Clash opinions and stances
Efficient learning 2 SPIRAL Repeat, but do not do the same. Return. Refresh. MNEMOTECHNIQUE Cards, plays, matching games Pair text and image, person and period, author and creation, antagonists, friends, contemporaries Link to your own national history, cultural history, religious history, etc. TEST YOURSELF. THE EXAM IS JUST ONE STEP IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING – NOT NECESSARILY THE LAST.
Educate yourself Make British History and life your everyday. Feed on quality texts and sources. Find good and reliable learning sites and online materials. Trust scholarly books as well. Develop your language all the time.