Overview 2006 t
Qenos Qenos is a petrochemical company owned by China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) Qenos has manufacturing sites in Altona, Victoria and Botany, New South Wales.
Who is Qenos? 830 employees Integrated olefins & polyolefins Australia’s only producer of polyethylene Annual turnover $800M
Altona Site Olefins Plastics Resins
Qenos Altona - Post Ethane / LPG Conversion Qenos Plastics PE to hundreds of customers for many industries Esso / BHPB Longford/LIP Qenos Resins Ethane Qenos SCAL-2 SCAL-1 Olefins Ethylene Top up propane or butane Refinery Gas Propane Mobil Altona Refinery Butane Propylene to Basell Pygas to Export / Huntsman
Botany Site Port Botany Huntsman Alkatuff Alkathene Basell On site storage Olefines
Qenos Botany Alkatuff® Alkathene® Qenos Olefines Exports Customers Ethylene Polyethylene to hundreds of customers for many industries Cooper Basin South Australia Ethylene Alkathene® Ethane pipeline Qenos Olefines Mixed C3 stream Ethylene Exports Kurnell Refinery This is a drawing of the interlinkages between the various Altona Petrochemical complex members Ethylene Customers Propylene
Qenos Botany Olefines manufactures ethylene Alkatuff and Alkathene plants manufacture polyethylene Alkathene ® is low density polyethylene Alkatuff ® is linear low density polyethylene LDPE and LLDPE are used in plastic films, coating layers, toys and tanks
Qenos Olefins Main product is ethylene Feedstocks are ethane and LPG from Bass Strait Furnaces are used to crack the feedstock at up to 900degC Distillation is the main separation process On the left is a picture of the furnaces at SCAL-2 On the right ...
Qenos Plastics Manufacture high density polyethylene High density polyethylene (HDPE) - made in low pressure process HDPE is used in milk bottles, containers and pipes
Qenos Resins Manufacture high density polyethylene Low pressure slurry reactors HDPE is used in containers, pails and pipes
Some Products…
Qenos Technical Centre The Qenos Technical Centre is the premier polyolefins laboratory organisation in Australia. It provides a highly capable, modern and customer-focussed facility to ensure that the capability and quality of products are maintained. On the left is a picture of the furnaces at SCAL-2 On the right ...