Alexis wagner BA F323 University of alaska fairbanks 7 june 2017 Theories of justice Alexis wagner BA F323 University of alaska fairbanks 7 june 2017
What answer would each theory of justice give to the following questions: 1. Is it right for the government to give a huge bail out to banks to keep them in business? 2. Can it ever be unjust to accumulate wealth?
utilitarian 1. It depends on the situation. A utilitarian has to assess the situation (social, economic, and political factors) before determining how to move forward. 2. Accumulation of wealth cannot be unjust. Money=Happiness Promotion of social well-being
LIbertarian 1. Government bail outs are wrong. Justice permits people to live how they want. Government bail outs interfere with this. It takes away from personal liberty. The people made their own choices to end up in that situation where they need a bail out. 2. It can be both. On one hand it isn’t unjust to accumulate wealth. This is part of citizen’s personal liberty. If they want to accumulate wealth, then that is their choice. On the other hand, it can be unjust if the person decides it is. It depends on who you are talking to whether or not it can be unjust.
Nozick’s theory of justice 1. “Beyond this, we are not obliged to do anything positive for anyone else, nor is anyone required to do anything positive for us. We have no right, for example, to be provided with satisfying work or with any material goods that we might need.” (textbook) Not right to give government bail out to businesses 2. It isn’t unjust to accumulate wealth. Part of this theory of justice is the entitlement theory. This means that people are entitled to “their holdings”. If someone wants to accumulate wealth than they can without it being unjust.
References Business Ethics. Shaw, William. 2014. Additional Sources