Nationalism/Transnationalism A nationalist argument is a political doctrine built upon three basic assertions: There exists a nation with an explicit and peculiar character. The interests and values of this nation take priority over all other interests and values. The nation must be as independent as possible. This usually requires at least the attainment of political sovereignty." - John Breuilly, Nationalism and the State
"In an anthropological spirit, then, I propose the following definition of the nation: it is an imagined political community - - and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign. - Benedict Anderson Imagined Communities Nations Comprised of people who identify culturally and politically and seek to maintain their own political control Characteristics: Intangible People = shared culture Community = shared historical experiences Government = self-rule; sovereignty
Nation-state State-building = arbitrary Nation-State = tangible government linking people with shared culture and historical experience Characteristics: symbols, patriotism Ideal form of political authority why? Legitimacy and organic "In fact, nations, like states, are a contingency, and not a universal necessity. Neither nations nor states exist at all times and in all circumstances. Moreover, nations and states are not the same contingency. Nationalism holds that they were destined for each other; that either without the other is incomplete, and constitutes a tragedy. But before they could become intended for each other, each of them had to emerge, and their emergence was independent and contingent. The state has certainly emerged without the help of the nation. Some nations have certainly emerged without the blessings of their own state. It is more debatable whether the normative idea of the nation, in its modern sense, did not presuppose the prior existence of the state. -Ernest Geller, Nations and Nationalism
Nationalism A principle of political loyalty and social identity Modern: like ruled by like Patriotism = love of one’s country "Nationalism is an ideology about individuated being. It is an ideology concerned with boundedness, continuity, and homogeneity encompassing diversity. It is an ideology in which social reality, conceived in terms of nationhood, is endowed with the reality of natural things. -Richard Handler, Nationalism and the Politics of Culture
History of Nationalism 1700’s = Enlightenment and connection between people and state Sovereignty Democracy and liberalism Paine The Rights of Man John Stuart Mills On Liberty Conservative
Nationalism Good vs. Bad Good: anti-imperial, economic development, diversity and experimentation "Now the 'nation is not, of course, an eternal category, but was the product of a long and complicated process of historical development in Europe. For our purposes, let us define it at the outset as a large social group integrated not by one but by a combination of several kinds of objective relationships (economic, political, linguistic, cultural, religious, geographical, historical), and their subjective reflection in collective consciousness. Many of these ties could be mutually substituable - some playing a particularly important role in one nation-building process, and no more than a subidiary part in others. But among them, three stand out as irreplaceable: (1) a 'memory' of some common past, treated as a 'destiny' of the group - or at least of its core constituents; (2) a density of linguistic or cultural ties enabling a higher degree of social communication within the group than beyond it; (3) a conception of the equality of all members of the group organized as a civil society.” Miroslav Hroch, “From National Movement to Fully-formed Nation” Bad: Xenophobia, internal Oppression, External Aggression, lack of concern for the “they” = militant nationalism Most of these distinguish the liberal, culturally inclusive (Sleeping Beauty) nationalisms characteristic of Western Europe from the illiberal, culturally exclusive (Frankenstein's monster) nationalisms more often found elsewhere. Michael Hechter, Containing Nationalism
Transnationalism Transnational political identity = a connection across nations and national boundaries Global, anti-nation/state liberal
Global Interactions Economics Communications Transportation Organizations religion
Women’s Movement Women in poverty 700 million women globally Women are water carriers: > 1 billion lack access to clean, safe water 2.4 billion are without access to sanitation Women own 1 % of the world’s land, yet produce >50% of the world’s food women’s unpaid labor = $11 billion worldwide UNCTAD hosts XI creating Millenium Declaration (2004) Among the key objectives of the Millennium Declaration, heads of State emphasized their resolve "to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women as effective ways to combat poverty, hunger and disease and to stimulate development that is truly sustainable".