Unaccredited Certificate Communication Proposal Rick Downs, March 14, 2012
Action Item 259 - Develop approach to highlight concerns with unaccredited certifications Proposal is to ask the communications team to get the following published in appropriate trade journals like Quality Digest, Quality Progress, etc.
Why Industry Controlled – Other Party (ICOP) Certification can help grow your business. The global aviation, space and defense Quality Management System (QMS) standards are AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110/9120. While anyone can provide a certification stating that an organization is in compliance to a QMS standard, ICOP recognized certifications are robust, recognized and valued. The International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and it Sector Management Structures provide an ICOP oversight process to add confidence that auditors are properly trained and approved, that certification bodies have adequate resources including technical personnel, and that audits performed are sufficient to fully evaluate the effectiveness of the QMS. ICOP recognized QMS Certifications are recognized by most aviation, space and defense businesses as a sign of a strong QMS in place in your business. In addition, many of these same businesses require ICOP recognized certifications in order for your business to do business with them. Proof of this certification is a listing in the IAQG Online Aerospace Supplier Information System (OASIS) and your business can only get into OASIS by using an ICOP recognized certification body which can also be found in OASIS. OASIS is available at http://www.sae.org/?PORTAL_CODE=IAQG.