Cyclone IDAI response Weekly Nutrition Update Manicaland Province 22-28 April 2019 Road Shows in Chipinge District
Treatment of SAM and MAM Screening of children underfive for acute malnutrition is ongoing, with 20,043 screened in the month of April representing about 50% of the cluster target. A total of 98 severely malnourished children (SAM) 171 moderately malnourished children admitted (MAM) UNICEF and PMD conducted joint support supervision and monitoring in 13 health facilities in Chipinge and Chimanimani districts. PMD with support from UNICEF, World Vision, Save the Children, GOAL and ADRA oriented 145 health workers from Chimanimani and Chipinge in an integrated approach to nutrition intervention, ToT for VHW active screening and reporting using the Rapid-pro SMS system. Training of VHWs in active screening is ongoing at the health facility levels in both Chipinge and Chimanimani with support from nutrition cluster partners.
IYCF Counselling Promotion of appropriate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) and care practices is ongoing with support of nutrition partners ADRA, GOAL, Save the Children, NAZ and Worldvision. A total of 14,348 mothers and primary caregivers of children under two years have been reached with IYCF counselling, representing 60% of the target. The IYCF messages have also been distributed using IEC materials, and integrated during community-based activities e.g. food distribution.
Micronutrients Supplementation The micronutrient supplementation of Vitamin A has reached 8,344 (15% of the target) children underfive Multi-micronutrients powders (MNPs) has reached 13,400 (25% of the target). The Vitamin A supplementation will be integrated into the planned EPI catchment outreach campaigns. Scale-up of distribution of MNPs is currently ongoing with the training and stocking of VHWs with the supplies.
Supplementary Feeding WFP distribution of Super Cereal ++ targeting children underfive ongoing in Chimanimani. ADRA didn’t conduct any CSB distribution in Chimanimani GOAL supported by WFP is targeting 23,400 children under five, 9,958 pregnant and lactating women in Chipinge district with CBS (Corn Soy Blend) blanket distribution. Ongoing distribution of Tsabana porridge distributed to Chipinge district. The distribution is prioritized in areas not receiving CSB targeting children under $ PLW.
Coordination Nutrition coordination meetings held on a weekly basis at the National, Provincial and District levels.
Human Resources Cyclone response team 1 Regional Cluster Coordinator (UNICEF) 7 Nutritionists (2 from provincial level, 5 from district level including Chimanimani and Chipinge District Nutritionists) 1 Nutrition Consultant (UNICEF) 15 WNCs ( all in Chimanimani) 2 Nutrition Assistants 1 Nutrition Intern Partners In Chipinge we have no nutrition coordinators. Save the children is in the process of recruiting 5 ward based nutritionists in Chipinge.
Information Management Rapid-pro low weekly reporting rates from health facilities (approximately 40%). Rapid-pro orientation conducted for health workers on 2-3rd May. Other partners in the nutrition cluster have committed themselves to printing some of the nutrition data collection tools for use in the field.
Gaps and Constraints There is a huge information gap at provincial and district levels in terms of weekly reporting (Rapid-pro SMS) and sensitization meetings should be continued post training. Lack of effective integration of active screening during food distributions etc and reporting of active screening data by partners.
Way Forward Strengthen weekly systematic reporting at all level and activities (OTP, Active screening). Enhance support supervision and monitoring of IMAM. Capacity building of District nutritionist on cluster coordination and information management. Enhanced high level (possible at custom/entry points) monitoring of foodstuff donation before being distributed at district level. Expand scale-up to Buhera district
Thank you!