Test-Taking Tips By: Mr. Burkett
Why is it important to have good test-taking tips? It is important to know how to take tests well because you can: Use your time wisely Reduce stressful situations Be prepared Be more successful Feel more confident taking tests in the future
Before the Test Get a good night’s sleep- go to bed on time or early Eat a healthy and hearty breakfast so you will not get hungry during the test Eat a snack before the test if you are allowed Use the restroom in advance Keep a water bottle on the floor if your teacher allows it Prepare an outfit with many layers so you can take off a layer if you get hot or put one back on if you get cold
Before the Test, cont Be prepared: study for a few nights before the test, don’t cram the night before! This is too stressful and you are less likely to remember the information Get materials: sharpen at least 2 pencils, have a reliable eraser, make sure your highlighter works, make sure your calculator works, etc. Ask Questions if you have any before the test is handed out
During the Test Read through the directions carefully before solving any problems. Understand the directions fully!! Ask for clarification if you don’t understand what you are being asked to do Pace yourself- know how much time you have and don’t rush! Take a deep breath before you begin and again periodically through the test to help you relax.
During the Test, cont Solve the questions you feel confident about first. Come back to ones you are not sure about. Don’t spend too much time on any one problem- come back to it at the end Use scratch paper… that’s what it’s there for!!
Multiple Choice Items Understand the Question Look back at the story (if the question is about a story) Eliminate wrong choices and narrow your choices down Choose the best answer
Filling In The Blanks Understand the sentence- notice key words Look back at the selection (if there is one to refer back to) Narrow your choices down Choose the best word you can think of or use from the word box Example: I felt _______ in school.
Open-Ended Response Understand the Question Get Ready to Write- brainstorm ideas, use a web, or create a list Write your Answer- rewrite the question, use your brainstorming ideas in your response, write clear, concise sentences- include a concluding sentence or paragraph Read through your work- check for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes.
True-False Items Read the directions- you may be asked to change false sentences and make them true… don’t forget!! Read each statement carefully Notice words such as always, never, every time, no, not, etc. These words are often clue words.
After the Test Double check your work. Ask yourself: Did you answer all the problems? Did you do your best work? Is your name on your test?? You made it!! Celebrate all of your hard work and preparation!! Think about what you did well and what you need to work on for future tests.