April 15 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 9 – Fact and Opinion Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark- Due 4-/22 Benchmark- Persuasive Essay- “Zoos Are Important to Animals” Weekly Article – “Entertaining The Troops” Read 1 Read aloud – “Esperanza Rising” – “Potatoes” Argument On Demand Writing- Is Google making us stupid? Homework – Assignments on Moby Max DUE Monday INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Read Aloud Journal Response On Demand Paragraph Daily Language Review #20 “JBall” Due Today Using Roots of Words W.S Due Today Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark Guided Reading Groups – Global Warming- Leveled Readings 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 11- History of Ancient Egypt Test Today The ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Interactive notebook Intro
Argument On-Demand– Is Google Making Us Stupid? Take notes from the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid? Write a paragraph where you answer the question: Is google making us stupid? The paragraph must include the following: Make a claim Provide 3 pieces of evidence Have a closing sentence Google is making us stupid because ….. Google is not making us stupid because ….
Drawing Conclusions Clues Conclusion -Many people have the wrong idea about today’s zoos. -They think animals are yanked from the wild and locked in small cages no better than prison cells Word Origins “As the field of zoology has advanced, so has the quality of animal care.” Zoo = Latin = Animal Suffix – ology = study of Zoology = the study of animal life Root Words – Think of a word with each root Auto = self Cycle = wheel Bio = life
April 16 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 9 – Fact and Opinion Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark- Due 4-/22 Benchmark- Persuasive Essay- “Make Connections Across Text” Chart- Due Today Weekly Article – “Entertaining The Troops” Read 2 Read aloud – “Esperanza Rising” – “Avocados” Argument On Demand Writing- “Fortnite- Addiction or Amusement? Homework – Assignments on Moby Max + Reading Bookmark INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Read Aloud Journal Response On Demand Planning Daily Language Review #20 “Yakyu” Due Today Using Roots of Words W.S Due Today Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark Guided Reading Groups – Global Warming- Leveled Readings 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 11- History of Ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Interactive notebook Sec 1-2 Videos
April 17 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 9 – Fact and Opinion Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark- Due 4-/22 Weekly Article – “Entertaining The Troops” Read 3 Read aloud – “Esperanza Rising” – “Avocados” Argument On Demand Writing- “Fortnite- Addiction or Amusement? Homework – Assignments on Moby Max + Reading Bookmark INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Read Aloud Journal Response On Demand Planning- T-Chart Daily Language Review #20 Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark Guided Reading Groups – Global Warming- Leveled Readings 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 11- History of Ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Interactive notebook Sec 2-4 Videos
April 18 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 9 – Fact and Opinion Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark- Due 4-/22 Read aloud – “Esperanza Rising” – “Avocados” Argument On Demand Writing- “Fortnite- Addiction or Amusement? Homework – Assignments on Moby Max + Reading Bookmark INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Read Aloud Journal Response On Demand Planning- T-Chart Due + write essay Daily Language Review #20 due today Independent Reading- Reading Bookmark Guided Reading Groups – Global Warming- Leveled Readings 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 11- History of Ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Interactive notebook Sec 4-5 + Processing paragraph Videos
7th Grade Social Studies Standards G1.3 Geographical Understanding Use geographic themes, knowledge about processes and concepts to study the Earth. 7 – G1.3.1 Use the fundamental themes of geography (location, place, human environment interaction, movement, region) to describe regions or places on Earth. I can use the five themes of geography to describe regions or places on Earth. 7 – G1.3.2 Explain the locations and distributions of physical and human characteristics of Earth by using knowledge of spatial patterns. I can explain why people settle where they do because of the characteristics of the land. 7 – G1.3.3 Explain the different ways in which places are connected and how those connections demonstrate interdependence and accessibility. I can explain different ways that places are connected and how those connections show dependence on each other. G2.1 Physical Characteristics of Place Describe the physical characteristics of places. 7 – G2.1.1 Describe the landform features and the climate of the region (within the Western or Eastern Hemispheres) under study. I can describe the landform features and the climate of the region we are studying.
7th Grade Social Studies Standards W3.1 Classical Traditions in Regions of the Eastern Hemisphere Analyze classical civilizations and empires and their lasting impact on institutions, political thought, structures, technology and art forms that grew in India, China, the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and Southwest and Central Asia during this era. 7 – W3.1.1 Describe the characteristics that classical civilizations share (institutions, cultural styles, systems of thought that influenced neighboring peoples and have endured for several centuries). I can describe the characteristics that classical civilizations share. 7 – W3.1.2 Using historic and modern maps, locate three major empires of this era, describe their geographic characteristics including physical features and climates, and propose a generalization about the relationship between geographic characteristics and the development of early empires. I can use historical and modern maps to locate three major empires, describe their geographic characteristics, and suggest a relationship between these characteristics and the development of early empires. 7– W3.1.3 Compare and contrast the defining characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire. I can compare and contrast the characteristics of a city-state, civilization, and empire. 7 – W3.1.5 Describe major achievements from Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, African, and Southwest and Central Asian civilizations in the areas of art, architecture and culture; science, technology and mathematics; political life and ideas; philosophy and ethical beliefs; and military strategy. I can describe major achievements from the Eastern civilizations in the areas of art, architecture, science, technology and mathematics, and government. 7 – W3.1.6 Use historic and modern maps to locate and describe trade networks among empires in the classical era. I can use historic and modern maps to locate and describe trade networks among empires in the classical era.
7th Grade Social Studies Standards W3.1 Classical Traditions in Regions of the Eastern Hemisphere Analyze classical civilizations and empires and their lasting impact on institutions, political thought, structures, technology and art forms that grew in India, China, the Mediterranean basin, Africa, and Southwest and Central Asia during this era. 7 – W3.1.7 Use a case study to describe how trade integrated cultures and influenced the economy within empires (e.g., Assyrian and Persian trade networks or networks of Egypt and Nubia/Kush; or Phoenician and Greek networks). Use a specific situation to describe how trade helped cultures to mix and influenced the economy within empires. 7 – W3.1.8 Describe the role of state authority, military power, taxation systems, and institutions of coerced labor, including slavery, in building and maintaining empires (e.g., Han Empire, Mauryan Empire, Egypt, Greek city-states and the Roman Empire). I can describe the role of government, military power, tax systems, and forced labor such as slavery, in building lasting empires. 7 – W3.1.9 Describe the significance of legal codes, belief systems, written languages and communications in the development of large regional empires. I can describe the importance of laws, belief systems, written languages, and communication in development of large regional empires.
Reading: Informational Text 6.8 I can trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text. I can tell the difference between claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not. Reading: Informational Text 6.8 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.8
Text Types and Purposes I can write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. Writing 6.1 (A-E) Text Types and Purposes CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1
I can describe how a story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes. I can explain how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. Reading: Literature 6.3 Key Ideas and Details CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.3
Speaking & Listening 6.1 (A-D) I can engage in discussions led by the teacher, one-on-one, and in groups, about sixth grade topics and texts. I can build on others’ ideas and express my own ideas clearly. Speaking & Listening 6.1 (A-D) Comprehension and Collaboration CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1
Conventions of Standard English Use proper-case pronouns. Use intensive pronouns. Use correct pronoun number and person. No vague pronouns! Improve expression! I can show my command of English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Language 6.1 (A-E) Conventions of Standard English CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.1
Conventions of Standard English I can show my control of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when I’m writing. I can use commas, dashes, and parentheses to set off clauses. I can spell correctly. Language 6.2 (A-B) Conventions of Standard English CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.2