DENOTATION AND CONNOTATION Words can work on more than one level. You will come across the terms denotation and connotation throughout your life. They are important terms for you to understand.
DENOTATION is the literal, dictionary meaning of a word. CONNOTATION is the extra meanings or feelings we attach to words because of the way they are used in our culture Because we all have different backgrounds, connotations are not always the same for everybody.
Did you know that different colors CONNOTE different things? Think about the rose… No flower is associated so much with LOVE as the rose. These are all connotations or extra layers of meaning that the word carries with it. Did you know that different colors CONNOTE different things? gratitude friendship purity
Think about the apple… It can be a symbol of health. It often is associated with teachers. It’s also the nickname of a city: “The Big Apple.” It can even stand for sin because of Adam and Eve. These are all connotations or extra layers of meaning that the image or word carries with it.
Not what you expected? That’s because of CONNOTATION! A dog is named “Killer.” What do you think this dog will look like based on his name? Not what you expected? That’s because of CONNOTATION!
Positive and Negative Connotations A word can have positive or negative connotations. Positive connotations means that it’s generally thought of as a good thing. Negative connotations means that it’s generally thought of as a bad thing.
Rate the Following Sentences From Most Positive to Most Negative A) Look at how skinny she is! B) Look at how slender she is! C) Look at how thin she is! D) Look at how underweight she is!
Changes over Time Word connotations can change over time. Think of a phrase that you use now that means something different to people older than you. Examples: Ratchet, Lit, Flame… If a word gets used enough in a certain way, the dictionary will become updated and it’s DENOTATION will change. Example: gay