These are NOT easy readings These are NOT easy readings. They are representative of the college-level work you have been doing throughout the year. You will be expected to: • follow sophisticated syntax; • respond to diction; • be comfortable with upper-level vocabulary; • be familiar with rhetorical terminology; • make inferences; • be sensitive to irony and tone; • recognize components of organization and style; • be familiar with modes of discourse and rhetorical strategies; and • recognize how information contained in citations contributes to the author’s purpose.
Multiple Choice Help Don’t skip questions- answer every one Circle your answers in the book & then, after each passage, transfer them over If you are running out of time, quickly answer the word in context questions Read the FULL question- those “EXCEPT” questions can kill you You probably want to skip around to answer the easiest ones for you and then come back to fill in the rest so you get to more questions that you know you have a chance of answering correctly.
Most Common Multiple Choice Questions Word in context- what does this word mean Main idea- be able to grasp important point Terms- literary devices Function- what is the effect of a device/word? Organization/structure-characterizing/clustering
Let’s take a look at specific tips from experienced people… H Drive.. AP stuff… multiple choice strategies