Outdoor Smoking Policy Integrating service-learning Project An Evaluation of Outdoor Smoking Policy in a Northeastern Community Srijana M. Bajracharya, Ph.D., MCHES American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Annual Convention, Boston, MA March 15, 2012 Smoking policy Outdoor Smoking Policy Integrating service-learning Project The survey of the Business Community (N=71): I think the ordinance for outdoor tobacco smoking should be: The New York State Clean Indoor Air Act (Public Health Law Section 1399-0).. went into effect on July 24, 2003, “Tobacco Free Zones” (Tompkins County Health Department, 2006). The project was integrated in an undergraduate class for the observational and survey evaluation studies. HLTH 33300, Development & Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs Graduate Research Assistant work Community partners: The City Council The County Health Department The City recently passed a law that deals with outdoor smoking (City of Ithaca, 2010) The purpose of this law was to reduce the proximate exposure of the public, especially children, to the hazards and annoyance of secondhand tobacco smoke. Methods of Evaluation Evaluation Goals: Preliminary Results: Compliance Summary: To strategically develop a short-term and long-term process for evaluating outdoor smoking law and execute this evaluation plan annually by integrating a service-learning project into the course, HLTH 33300 - Development and Evaluation of Health Programs. Integration of service-learning project was productive and efficient way of student learning. The preliminary results showed that most community members: complied with the ordinance accept of a few; heard of the policy but are unsure of the details; have a positive perception regarding the policy and its effects; either want to continue or expand the policy. Coordinate with the community partner, TCHD’s personnel, and determine an evaluation and a future needs assessment plan based on face-to-face meetings with them. Use both quantitative and qualitative studies to ensure valid and reliable results. Design service-learning projects and integrate research projects in the course Development and Evaluation of Health Programs (HLTH 33300-01) so that students from this class can learn the evaluation process by working on this project at different levels at different times. Submit an application to the IC Board of Human Subjects Research. Develop instruments and run a pilot study using a similar target population. Finally, establish both a short-term and long-term evaluation design so that this activity can be done annually as an ongoing process for long-term evaluation. Observational Study 14 total hours of observation Estimated 1, 310 people in total About 10 people were found smoking during one observation Most people were smoking by bus station and bars Total of about 118 cigarette butts 7 stores have the “T-Free Zone” sign on their door .04 % (56) were observed smoking in banned areas Evaluation design: Public Support: Methods Class distribution Compliance: Direct observational method HLTH 33300 Spring 2011 Public Support: Survey of the local businesses (cross-sectional survey) Graduate Assistant Survey of the community The survey of the community study: 1. I think the ordinance for outdoor tobacco smoking should be: Recommendations: The outdoor smoking ban area should have larger and more obvious signs for people to see. Annual policy evaluation should be continued. There was a small minority who disliked the policy and did not want too much regulation. The City staff and local police should strictly enforce the policy.