Gender Statistics, achievements and challenges National Institute of Statistics Albania
INSTAT & Gender Statistics Gender Issues: great importance in the country. This means: need for gender statistics. INSTAT is the key institution of producing and disseminating data in the country; it has a crucial role regarding gender statistics. Since 1998: Women and Men in Albania Participation in different researches and studies regarding gender issues. Trying to improve the current situation of gender statistics.
Legislation The statistical law does not specify the production and dissemination of sex-disaggregated data. The recent law on equal opportunities outlines the collection of sex-disaggregated data.
Collaboration With different NGOs, Committee for Equal Opportunities, research and academic institutions (Gender Institute FoSS). Need for a better coordination with the other producers: ministries in order to improve the administrative records (one of the main sources of data). Some ministries does not collect sex-disaggregated data.
International collaboration Very positive : they stress on the need for gender statistics. International partners are very committed in supporting INSTAT to improve gender statistics. Sida-Statistic Sweden, UNDP, SDC
Some achievements LSMS: useful sex-disaggregated data (employment, poverty, education etc) The research publication based on Census 2001 data Gender Perspectives in Albania Gender perspectives in NSSED …… !!! Common Country Assessment 2004. A chapter on Gender equality and a strong effort to mainstream gender through the entire document. One of the objectives : Identify data gaps.
Problems… Violence against Women : lack of data Main sources: different studies and surveys by NGOs and IOs. No institutional response……. Need for surveys. Actually no Time Use Survey, LFS or HBS – useful sources of sex- disaggregated data. (Hope that INSTAT will conduct a LFS or HBS in the future: include questions on Time Use)
Ideas for the (near) future Improve the relationship between users-producers. Propose to all the interested users to send to INSTAT their needs on sex-disaggregated data or on analysis. Organize activities to improve the coordination between producers: raise the awareness for the importance of collecting sex-disaggregated data.
Wishes Have more completed sex-disaggregated data. Use these data to fight against gender inequalities.