Rivers of the World
A river system includes the river and all the smaller streams that supply water to the river.
A river is the highest at its headwaters, or source, where it begins A river is the highest at its headwaters, or source, where it begins. It is lowest at its mouth, which is where it ends.
Almost all river water comes from rain or melted snow Almost all river water comes from rain or melted snow. Most of the water reaches the river indirectly. Water called surface runoff flows over land to the river, or water soaks into the soil and becomes groundwater. The groundwater moves slowly through the ground to the rivers. Other sources of river water comes from glaciers, springs, and overflowing lakes.
Rivers are used for transportation, trade, agriculture, and as a source of power.
The world’s largest river is the Nile River in Africa The world’s largest river is the Nile River in Africa. It is 4,160 miles long.
The Amazon River in South America is the second-longest river in the world. The Amazon has more water than any other river. It has more water than the Nile, the Mississippi, and the Yangtze combined.
The 3rd and 5th longest rivers are both in China – the Chang Jiang, or Yangtze, and the Huang He (Yellow) River
The Missouri River is the longest river of the U. S The Missouri River is the longest river of the U.S., but it is actually a tributary of the Mississippi River System is 3,740 miles long.
Vocabulary Words
mouth – the part of a river where it empties into another body of water
Physical map – a map that shows natural landforms and waterways on Earth’s surface
River system – a river and the smaller streams that supply water to the river
source – the place where a river begins
tributary – a smaller stream or river that flows into a larger one
1. 8; Mackenzie and the Paraná MONDAY 1. 8; Mackenzie and the Paraná 2. Mississippi River
TUESDAY 1. Nile River 2. South America
WEDNESDAY 1. Rio Grande 2. St. Lawrence River
1. Huang He (Yellow) River THURSDAY 1. Huang He (Yellow) River 2. Volga River
1. Missouri-Mississippi River System FRIDAY 1. Missouri-Mississippi River System 2. Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota is the source, and the mouth is located at the Mississippi delta in Louisiana, where it then flows into the Gulf of Mexico