Report of 6 Months of IARU CISPR activity April 2019 International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
What is CISPR? Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques CISPR is a technical sub committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) The IEC web pages state: "The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies." web: International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
Why are we so focused on CISPR? Most regional standardization bodies (like CEPT, ETSI ...) are looking to IEC when creating their standards. When we talk about EMC standardization CISPR lays down the foundation for regional and national requirements The most relevant criteria for us is the limits and the test methods. CISPR is not about radio. It is about how Radio Services shall be protected from EMC type of disturbances from all types equipment within the scope of IEC. International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
The CISPR sub- committees A: Measurements and methods B: ISM D: Electromagnetic disturbances related to electric/electronic equipment on vehicles and internal combustion engine powered devices F: Household applications and tools H: Limits and methods for their determination. I: Information technologies S: Steering committee International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
Stability period and maintenance These two terms used by CISPR are of interest to us. The 'stability period' is the time-window where the specification can not be changed after publication. Typically 3 years. Maintenance: This is when documents and standards are open for changes. A maintenance team is normally created to do this task. This can take 1 - 2 years International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
The fine structure of CISPR committees Example: Wireless Power Transfer to charge Electric Vehicles CISPR/B Industrial Scientific & Medical (Product specific standards) WG1: radio frequency apparatus AHG4: Wireless Power Transfer Small task force: Limits for WPT/EV Small task force: E field measurements for WPT/EV CISPR/H Limits (Generic standards apply if no specific) WG1: EMC product standards on emission AHG1: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling Small task force: Maintenance of TR 16-4-4 International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
CISPR/H WG1 Meeting in Sydney Generic standards 61000-6-3 AMD1: Limits for residential locations New radiated limits below 30MHz (similar to WPT limits?) Resistance from manufacturers Exemption conditions Needs some compromise or may be rejected. 61000-6-8: Limits for light industrial locations Entirely new standard (approx. 10dB higher limits) Definition of the environment Definition of isolation from residential locations International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
Currently disputed 61000-6-3 AMD 1 limits International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
CISPR/H WG1 AHG1 TR 16-4-4 Statistics and limit modelling This is key to all limit setting in new standards Dr Sach is on the maintenance team for this A highly statistical mathematical approach that hides lots of opportunity to ignore minorities. Many precise parameters that are currently ill defined! Gives the impression of being more scientific and rigorous than it is. Lots of negotiation is needed. Have been focusing on UP4 (statistical protection distance). Submitted statistical analysis papers. International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
The 10 parameters of TR 16-4-4 International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
CISPR/B WG1 AHG4 Wireless power transfer for Electric vehicles Meetings attended in Busan, Ingolstadt (Audi HQ) & Wels. Audi, Nissan & Industrial heavily represented on the committee. Its agreed to do H field measurements below 30 MHz We are on a task force which recommended <30 MHz E field measurements too. Amateur radio needs the lowest limits so is the most difficult case, but we work with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) who have a similar situation. A key parameter is protection distance for amateur radio users. Despite my repeated reasoned objections, they agreed limits 40db too high! CDV to be put to Shanghai plenary meeting for voting. Dr Sach is on the team drafting the next CDV. We need to decide how to influence the National Rep’s voting. International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio
International Amateur Radio Union - working for the future of Amateur Radio