Faculty Connections Agenda 1. Welcome A few words from George Bridges. First Year Program, Dawg Daze, by Meg Estep What do students want from Dawg Daze? What is goal of Faculty Connections? What should students take away from Faculty Connections? What does a Faculty Connections session look like? Logistics. Other Dawg Daze events.
Dawg Daze flyer
What do students want from Dawg Daze? Students tell us they want to meet other UW students who share similar interests. be less intimidated by faculty. (students want to connect but don’t know how) learn more about the spectrum of programs offered here, specially lesser know majors, programs, opportunities. create avenues for a healthy balance to their academic pursuits.
What is goal of Faculty Connections? Communicate our academic expectations. Help student think about strategies for academic success. Inspire students by sharing our passion for learning and discovery. Make the university feel smaller. Make a personal connection with faculty and other students.
What should students walk away with from this session? They have met a faculty member in an informal, non-grading setting. They see faculty as people with a passion for learning. They begin to develop an idea of what life at a University is about. The academic rigors The process of exploration The excitement of discovery The opportunities that await them
Student’s comments on Faculty Connections 2003 “I learned a lot about my intended major and in the process I met with one of my Fall quarter professors. That just gave me a lot of opportunity to learn the inner workings of the U.” “I really enjoyed the Faculty Connections session because it gave us a 1-on-1 opportunity. I saw that professors were approachable and the prof encouraged us to approach them because professors are so passionate about what they do. He talked about research projects and we got a glimpse of a research project. It was really useful for me.” “I learned that they (faculty) are people. You can talk to them. It’s not going to kill you. They’re human. It has made me more comfortable talking to them.” “The teacher that I had was really nice. He told us to try to make an effort to have a question so you could go talk to your teachers at least once a quarter during office hour. Then the teacher knows your name and feels more connected to you.” “The prof I met with encouraged us to go take classes we were interested in, get involved with the community, join clubs.”
Most sessions included 1.Student introductions by self or a peer response to the questions why they came to the UW what their concerns were 2. Faculty introductions past experiences research interests (why they came to the UW) 3. Information about academic expectations and student’s responsibilities at the UW. 4. An invitation and encouragement for students to contact faculty via e-mail if they need help during the quarter.
What faculty did last year. “ I had people introduce themselves, talk about where they had come from, describe their most exited expectation—their positive anticipation—and the thing that troubled them. What keeps you awake at night?” “ I put them into groups and asked them to discuss “What does it mean to be educated?” “I talked about one of the things I was interested in – talking about learning, learning about learning. We spent part of the time with the question of unpacking the idea of learning. I invited them to think about ways that learning is sometimes not learning—could they think of examples…”
Logistics Your room assignments & student group 1. will be e- mailed 2. a packet with room assignments and name tag can be picked up Thursday Sept. 23rdin GateWay Center (MGH) Sunday 26th after 3pm in MGH 254 Coffee/ water and T-shirts will also be available
Your students Will try to match BUT Freshman are very undecided. Transfers—many can’t declare major until they are on campus. Student leaders will have list of names. You will be only be told the TYPE of group you have. Freshman interest groups-- FIGS (22/ group)----------170 Freshman orientation groups--- FOGS (40 / group)----27 Transfer interest groups-- TRIGs (25/ group)---------9 Transfer orientation groups -TOGs (40/group)-----33
Other issues Problems on Sunday You will have my cell phone number Use your group leader Classroom support staff will be around Parking Parking on campus is free on Sunday Students are being directed to Mountlake parking lot but….. Pay If you are receiving more than 125% pay for this period, this stipend will be delayed. Any problems, contact me at mpw@u.
Other events on Sunday You are invited to the following events Freshman Welcome at Husky Stadium- 3:30 Transfer Welcome at HUB - 3:30 Community Gathering at University Heights- 6:45 pm (Sign up to be a table host at this last event)