2006 Residential Code of Ohio


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Presentation transcript:

2006 Residential Code of Ohio John J. Hester, P.E., CBO SWOBOA President 2006 Residential Code of Ohio Understanding Section R602.10 Wall Bracing

Seminar Goals… For participants to leave this seminar with a general understanding of… various wall bracing related definitions. the forces are we designing to resist. the four wall bracing design approaches in the code. the calculations involved in braced wall panel construction. more bracing stuff...

2006 RCO: Chapter 2 Definitions… BRACED WALL PANEL: A section of a braced wall line constructed in accordance with Section R602.10 for wood framing or Section R603.7 or R301.1.1 for cold-formed steel framing, which extends the full height of the wall.

2006 RCO: Chapter 2

2006 RCO: Chapter 2 Definitions… BRACED WALL LINE: A series of braced wall panels in a single story constructed in accordance with Section R602.10 for wood framing or Section R603.7 or R301.1.1 for cold-formed steel framing to resist racking from seismic and wind forces.

2006 RCO: Chapter 2

2006 RCO: Chapter 2 Definitions… (not in Chapter 2) DESIGN COLLECTOR: A structural member used to transmit tension/compression forces from the end of a braced wall line to the first braced wall panel. A design collector is only required when the first braced wall panel is located more than 12 ft. from the end of a braced wall line.

2006 RCO: Chapter 2

2006 RCO: Chapter 2 Definitions… SHEAR WALL: A general term for walls that are designed and constructed to resist racking from seismic and wind by use of masonry, concrete, cold-formed steel or wood framing in accordance with Chapter 6 of this code and the associated limitations in Section R301.2 of this code.

Seminar Goals… For participants to leave this seminar with a general understanding of… various wall bracing related definitions.

2006 RCO: Chapter 3 Building Planning… Section R301.2.1 Wind limitations. The prescriptive requirements of this code apply to regions where the basic wind speed is less than 110 mph. Section R301.2.2 Seismic provisions. Applicability depends upon a jurisdiction’s location. Southwestern Ohio is in Design Category B. Exempt from all seismic provision!

Seminar Goals… For participants to leave this seminar with a general understanding of… various wall bracing related definitions. the forces are we designing to resist.

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Section R602.10 Wall bracing. There are four wall bracing design approaches: Braced wall panel construction method, Section R602.10.3 Continuous structural panel sheathing method, Section R602.10.5 Alternate braced wall panel method, Section R602.10.6 Design of structural elements, Section R602.10.10

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

Seminar Goals… For participants to leave this seminar with a general understanding of… various wall bracing related definitions. the forces are we designing to resist. the four wall bracing design approaches in the code.

A Closer Look… RCO Section R602.10.1

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Section R602.10.1 Braced Wall Lines Braced wall lines shall consist of braced wall panels. Braced wall panels shall begin within 12.5’ of each end. Braced wall panels shall be in line with each other. Exception: Offsets out-of-plane of up to 4’ are permitted provided that the total out-to-out offset dimension in any braced wall line does not exceed 8’. 4. Design collectors are required when the braced wall panel begins more than 12’ from either end of the braced wall line.

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Wall Construction… Section R602.10.1.1 Spacing. The building code requires all exterior walls to be laterally supported at intervals not exceeding 35'. This is accomplished by the use of braced wall lines.

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Wall Construction… Section R602.10.1.1 Spacing. The designer has an option to increase the spacing of braced wall lines from 35' to 50' by utilizing the exception listed in Section R602.10.1.1. The exception stipulates a two-fold criteria: The wall bracing provided equals or exceeds the amount of bracing required by Table R602.10.1 multiplied by a factor equal to the braced wall spacing divided by 35', and The length-to-width ratio for the floor/wall diaphragm does not exceed 3:1.

2006 RCO: Chapter 6

Calculations from Section R602.10.1 A Closer Look… Calculations from Section R602.10.1

A Closer Look… Table R602.10.1…

A Closer Look… Section R602.10.3…

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Wall Construction… Section R602.10.8 Connections Braced wall panels shall be connected at their base by one of the following methods: When paralleling the floor joists braced wall panels shall be placed over a joist and be nailed per the fastening schedule… 3-16d nails at 16”oc. When perpendicular to the floor joists braced wall panels shall occur over solid blocking placed between the floor joists and be nailed per the fastening schedule… 3-16d nails at 16”oc.

Seminar Goals… For participants to leave this seminar with a general understanding of… various wall bracing related definitions. the forces are we designing to resist. the four wall bracing design approaches in the code. the calculations involved in braced wall panel construction.

Continuous Structural Panel Sheathing A Closer Look… Continuous Structural Panel Sheathing Section R602.10.5

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Figure R602.10.5…

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Figure R602.10.5…

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Figure R602.10.5…

Alternate Braced Wall Panels A Closer Look… Alternate Braced Wall Panels Section R602.10.6

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Figure R602.10.6…

Design of Structural Elements A Closer Look… Design of Structural Elements Section R602.10.10

2006 RCO: Chapter 6 Section R602.10.10…

Seminar Goals… For participants to leave this seminar with a general understanding of… various wall bracing related definitions. the forces are we designing to resist. the four wall bracing design approaches in the code. the calculations involved in braced wall panel construction. more bracing stuff…

2006 Residential Code of Ohio Thank You!