Management by Results Pushkar Bajracharya
Concept, Development MBR or MBO developed by Peter Drucker in 1954 is oriented towards getting results by clearly knowing the total processes with an emphasis for outputs gearing the entire system to generate that output. Despite the recognition in the business sector early, its realization particularly public management sector, is belated due to the process oriented hangover (Weberian doctrine). Outputs/outcomes/impacts will naturally occur if the process is right or system developed
General Trends However, with the traditional concept or system, deviations were noted between targets and achievements. Traditional agencies or approaches emphasized on processes with lesser emphasis on actual outputs Hence, the gap persisted on achievements Accordingly, gradually emphasis began to be placed on outcomes, which the entire system has yet to encompass.
MBR Process Outcomes Inputs, processes Understanding /awareness Monitoring Correcting
Capacity and processes required Strengthen the institutional capacity for operational planning Development of result oriented budget Building capacity for monitoring the performance of policies and programmes
Additional considerations 3Ps approach- purpose, process, people MBR vs process orientation
Need Basically, enforces planning, monitoring and feedback backed by flexible budgeting, adequate resources Systems more emphasis on right processes Holistic management approach of efficiency and effectiveness needed The focus on segmented approaches and efforts simply inadequate. We require results while ensuring that the system is in place and flexibility will have to be ensured taking into account the dynamism/actual situation and the context
The total management process to get results Understand the context, environment and the perspectives Place the system Instill dynamism (flexibility or ability to cope exceptions) Time perspective Inputs (physical and human) and the proper budgeting system Get the Sourcing right Strengthen the planning process
The total management process to get results.. Strengthen the result oriented monitoring mechanism Place the corrective mechanism Place the system of accountability/responsibility if needed enacting it Review, improve, involve
Elements Leadership Participation Resources Processes Quality framework Recognition Accountability Benefit sharing.