Immune response to vaccination with AVA in cynomolgus macaques (NHP preexposure prophylaxis study). Immune response to vaccination with AVA in cynomolgus macaques (NHP preexposure prophylaxis study). Animals were immunized with serial dilutions of AVA on days 0 and 28. Control animals were immunized with PBS. On day 70, all monkeys were challenged via inhalation with 200 LD50 of aerosolized B. anthracis spores. Each TNA NF50 value was calculated as the ratio of the ED50 of the test sample to the ED50 of the reference standard. Individual values below the LOQ were replaced with the LOQ value (0.105) for statistical analysis purposes. Postchallenge TNA NF50 GMTs (days and 133) were calculated using group sizes based on surviving animals: 8 (group 1), 7 (group 2), 4 (group 3), 3 (group 4), 1 (group 5). Pre- and postchallenge TNA responses are separated by a vertical dashed line. Boris Ionin et al. Clin. Vaccine Immunol. 2013; doi:10.1128/CVI.00099-13