Have you seen this person? WANTED! Have you seen this person?
OUR ASSETS ARE FROZEN! Make sure you have character profiles for at least 3. You need to pick one character You need to now create a visual representation of the character Create an asset folder on your T:Drive In that folder, create sub folders: EYES-EARS-NOSE-HAIR-BASE Thinking of you character, collect a range of images for each folder AND THEN…..
IT’S ALIVE! In Photoshop you need to begin building a rough outline of your character with your assets. When you have the basic build, using the tools in Photoshop bring the pieces to life as one complete visual character profile. When thinking of construction towards the final product, look at they style and ask yourself is this how I want them to look.
What he said Here is an example from Thomas Level 1
Do you see me? Things you might want to do: Go beyond the internet, go and take your own photos Try using other objects to represent body parts What colours are you going to use? Have a go with other characters.