SRES-SECTION RESTRICTIONS On the bottom right corner of SRES is everything that relates to Wait-listing on Sections. Each department will determine if the class will be allowed for wait listing. Allow Waitlist- course schedulers will enter a Y for Yes if the class is to be Wait-listed. Wait-list Maximum- the maximum number of seats allowed for the wait-list. How many students do they want on the list? Waitlist Enroll No. Days- 1 day does not equal 24 hours. 1 day equals 48 hours minimum.
WLAV – WAITLIST AVAILABILITY WLAV is there we set up for Colleague to process a student from ACTIVE on waitlist to PERMISSION GRANTED, if a seat becomes available. Registration User Group- We select a group. Produce Success Report- will report what has been completed or error’ d out. Terms- Enter the term or terms. Locations- enter your selected location or locations if there are more than one. Waitlist Statuses- look for ACTIVE students on the waitlist so that when a seat become available, we can push them from Active to Permission Granted. WLAV is where we set up for Colleague to push a student from ACTIVE on a waitlist to Permission Granted, if a seat has become available. We select a Registration User Group Produce Success Report – this shows up what has been completed or error’d out. Enter in your selected location or locations if there are more than one. Make sure to enter the term, you can add multiple terms if needed. Waitlist Status – We are only working with Active Statuses… we want to look for students ACTIVE on a waitlist – where a seat has become available, so that we can push them to Permission Granted.
SWLM – Section Waitlist Management Current Waitlist- the top portion of the page, will show students with ACTIVE or Permission granted statuses. Previous Waitlist- the bottom portion of SWLM will show students who have been on a waitlist and have either registered or allowed their waitlist to expire.
Students This is what a section looks like in WebAdvisor, when the student registered for a closed class that has a wait list implemented.
WebAdvisor – Student View This is what the student will see when they have planned or are searching for a class.
Student planning – students view When the student is ACTIVE on waitlist, they will see it in red. Once the student has been granted permission, and they registered, it will turn green.
Waitlist second email to student
WebAdvisor- Display after student has registered This appears once the student has chosen to register for a waitlisted section they were waiting on. They will also see the option to drop the class if they needed.
Waitlist third email to student
CREDITS Mrs. Charlie Roseberry, Director C/I Records & Registration, Course Scheduling 5/14/19 Beatrice Aponte, Application Information Specialist, Trainer, Systems Registrar