Constellation Sample Quiz Easy Version (Bright Sky) WMPezzaglia © 4/12/2006
Pollux A Note Gemini The Twins
Sirius Canis Major The BIG Dog
Capella Auriga The Charioteer
Betelgeuse Orion The Hunter
Pleiades Aldebaran Taurus The Bull
Algol Pleiades Perseus The Hero
The Sickle Regulus Leo The Lion
Ursa Major The Big Bear Polaris Alcor & Mizar Kochab
Cassiopeia The Queen of Ethiopia Cepheus The King Schedar Alderamin
Bootes The Herdsman Hercules Alphecca (Corona Borealis) Arcturus
Scorpio The Scorpion Antares
Sagittarius The Archer Nunki
Pegasus The Flying Horse Markab
Andromeda The Chained Maiden Alpheratz
Cygnus The Swan Deneb
Altair Aquila The Eagle
Vega Lyra The Harp