Data Center and Voter ID Please see the notes for amplifying information on each slide.
Contact Info Email for all things data related!
We are the ones who must make this tool work well. Data Center Basics Data Center is a tool. The tool is complex, so it requires maintenance. Lists and voter information are obtained from Secretary of State by RNC and state party. RNC adds some predictive/calculated information, and we (read, all of us) take it from there. The data is not perfect. We are the ones who must make this tool work well.
Getting Started Obtain permission from your BPOU Chair (Sign form, have BPOU Chair sign form, and submit to party). If you need the form, email me. If you already have a profile and need your account reactivated, email me. A login with a temporary password will be created and you will receive an email with that info. BPOU or CD chair is the approving authority for people to have access. They sign the form along with the user who promises to not use Data Center for commercial or other endeavors.
Main login screen.
Acknowledgement that you’re using DC in the right way.
Main page for most users.
Let’s click on help to see what’s available.
“Contact support” is really for technical issues “Contact support” is really for technical issues. If you just don’t know how to use the system or have other general questions, contact the MNGOP. There are tutorials available, and training videos as well. Let’s click on the videos link.
For most things that you need, “basic counts” will provide all of the data points required. Let’s click on tools next.
Now we’ll click on “find a voter” to see what sort of options are available.
We’ll go in here and type in a name We’ll go in here and type in a name. You can search by address, first name, county, etc.
Let’s see what info there is for Dave Pascoe Let’s see what info there is for Dave Pascoe. Note I typed “David Pascoe” into the system. Data Center is built off of official voter records, and so when I registered to vote I registered as “David” not “Dave.” A search for “Dave Pascoe” wouldn’t come up with any results.
Here you see some basic info. Note the date of birth. Born January 1st Here you see some basic info. Note the date of birth. Born January 1st? No. Data Center is generally good about knowing ages (or a close approximation). There’s no real need to know specific birthdays so it isn’t included. You can search ages in the system if you’re attempting to target a specific age segment of the population. The little tag icon is for doing a quick tag, which I’ll talk about shortly. The magnifying glass allows you to view other information on the individual. We’ll click on that now.
Basic demographic info to start with.
Please note that there is a difference between observed and calculated party. Observed is by and large not a useful data point for us here in Minnesota, so please always use calculated party.
The state voter ID comes from the secretary of state’s official voter rolls for MN and thus will follow you when you move. The basis for all of the information in data center is the list of registered voters from the secretary of state.
Here we can see the individual’s vote history Here we can see the individual’s vote history. Note the ability to see the different types of elections voted in. This is info that you normally pay to pay for from the secretary of state. Note the little envelope that denotes an absentee ballot. Anyone that votes early is considered to have voted absentee, so that will help you time your get out the vote efforts. “Absentee” is the catch-all that we receive from the secretary of state.
These are some examples of the tags that are available These are some examples of the tags that are available. There are literally MILLIONS of tags that can be used, from general issues to very specific campaigns and campaign responses. You don’t have the ability to create tags yourself but the state party can help if needed. This is because “prolife_2018, pro_life_2018, anti-abortion_2018, etc.” would all be different tags though mean the same thing. You can see how this would spiral out of control quickly.
Click the add tags button to see what’s available.
When you get to this screen, press ctrl+f to bring up the search-bar When you get to this screen, press ctrl+f to bring up the search-bar. We’ve selected the precinct officer tag from 2016 and we’ll add it.
And here’s the tag magically added to the voter.
We’ll go through and take a look at some counts We’ll go through and take a look at some counts. First I’m noting here that you can get custom districts made. We have the judicial districts built, but it’s possible *with enough lead time* to have the RNC build municipal districts if needed.
There are a lot of possible tags for voters in the “observed party” line, and it really breaks things out for people that aren’t identified as a party. We’ll look in senate district 45 at the observed party “unidentified” voters.
You see that there are over 10,000 unidentified voters in SD 45 You see that there are over 10,000 unidentified voters in SD 45. This is all voters regardless of voting propensity.
Opportunities When we searched this time, we did SD45 unidentified voters, but we added in the “voted in 2 of the last 4 general elections” filter to winnow down the results. You can see that we moved from over 10,000 to under 2,000. If you’re looking to identify voters, wouldn’t it make sense to spend valuable time on the unidentifieds most likely to head to the polls? *Remember that observed party isn’t really useful in MN, it’s calculated party that matters more (and should be more accurate). When you do calculated party, you’ll notice that there isn’t as much of a breakdown for non-party identified voters. They’re essentially all broken down into the “swing” category.
2 Priorities Identify Voters Many of those “swing” voters probably fall into an ideology. Confirm information on voters that are there Emails Phone numbers Tags (caucus attendee, BPOU leader, etc.) These are the two data priorities for every BPOU out there. “Swing” voters on the calculated party list do break in one direction or another. It’s important for us to learn about the issues that matter to those folks. If you can’t figure out what someone’s issue priorities are, at least see if you can figure out their email and phone!
How to ID Phone banking Door knocking Time intensive Pizza parties only take away some of the pain Increased cell phone use Door knocking Most direct Horrible horrible exercise/sunlight Facebook, Twitter, Christmas Card List Lots of notes and possibilities on how to do voter identification. There are two apps, “red dailer” for phoning and “mobile advantage” for door-to-door canvassing. Both are from the same company and both easily plug in to data center.
How to ID Door to door can include a “petition” where you can obtain phone/email. Simple, seemingly non-partisan poll questions: Do you support the Governor’s veto of legislative funding? Do you support an increase in the minimum wage? Would you rate the Governor’s performance as poor, fair, good, or very good? Would you rate the President’s performance as poor, fair, good, or very good?
How to Confirm Phone BPOU list of caucus attendees, phone #s, emails Facebook, twitter, etc. Email blast.
Contact info