Alfredo R. Galassi et al. JCIN 2016;9:1979-1991 IVUS-Guided Retrograde Wire Crossing (Ostial LAD) (A) Ostial LAD CTO with 2 previous failed antegrade attempts. (B) Retrograde Ultimate 3 Bros (Asahi Intec) GW into the LM did not re-enter into the guiding catheter. (C, D) IVUS and angiographic control confirmed LM subintimal position of retrograde guidewire (white arrow). (E, F) True lumen re-entry of Conquest Pro 9 (Asahi Intec) GW, confirmed by IVUS (white arrow). (G) Final result. LM = left main; other abbreviations as in Figure 1. Alfredo R. Galassi et al. JCIN 2016;9:1979-1991 American College of Cardiology Foundation