APPLYING FOR YOUR FIRST QUALIFIED PHYSIOTHERAPIST POST Victoria Leckie Clinical Team Leader Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
LEARNING OUTCOMES How to successfully complete an application and secure an interview Person specification Application form CV Informal visit How to prepare for the interview Preparation The interview Questions
Person Specification Divided into Essential criteria Desirable/ additional/ useful criteria How will be assessed i.e. application form/ interview or presentation It sets out the Qualifications and experience required Personal attributes/ abilities and skills needed for the post You need to ideally meet all the criteria to be considered in the current job market.
Application Form Allocate enough time to complete Read it before starting to write Usually available online so practice writing out in rough in sections Use black ink Make it legible Complete all sections Photocopy when complete (use for interview preparation) Return it well before the closing date!
Additional information/ Personal statement Can use continuation sheets if needed (max 2 A4 sheets) Logical order and structure Use job description to structure information State why you are applying for the post Tailor your application to the NHS Trust you are applying to. Need to show a balance of why you want the job but also what you can offer the department/ Trust. Give examples of your clinical experience Check spelling and grammar Get someone to else to read it before sending.
CV Can include but not always used for short listing. (Find out requirements of specific Trust) Keep to no more than 2 A4 sides Typed in clear logical order on good quality unlined paper. Include personal information, education and training, clinical education, work experience/ previous employment, interests and achievements and current references. Some trusts request you blank out personal details to ensure short listing is fair.
References Personal/ Academic Tutor Recent Clinical Placement Supervisor Make sure you have always asked them before nominating them. Try to ensure referees are available at short notice.
Informal Visits Benefits to candidates and interviewer – shows enthusiasm , you will be remembered Aids interview preparation – current issues/ operational information Meet current junior physiotherapists Orientates you to interview venue Can assist you in question generation Confirms whether you want to work there!
Interview Preparation Use recent interviewees Use any previous interview experience/feedback Use the job description and person specification Use informal visits/ chats Read up about current NHS issues in frontline, journals, websites Keep up to date with current Physiotherapy research, EBP Check out the Trusts website Re read your application form
Self presentation Punctual Smart/ clean appropriate clothing Smile/ handshake/ eye contact/ positive body language/ don’t fidget Bring your portfolio/ CPD file and any other info requested e.g. for CRB check You will be nervous! The interview panel are humans!
Types of Interview Each Trust adopts a different approach One to one interviews (rare) Panel interviews (most common) Group interviews
Types of Questions (1) General Why do you want to work here? What are your strengths/ weaknesses? Clinical Describe the key clinical features that you would expect a patient with Parkinson's disease to present with? What would be your key components of your initial assessment of a patients who was 1st day post THR? Non Clinical What do you understand by the term Clinical Governance?
Types of Questions (2) Scenario based You are referred a patient who is first day post op with the following results. (list) What do they tell you about your patient? You come into work and your senior I is off sick and you have the following things to do. (list) How would you manage your day? Practical Using the equipment provided demonstrate how you would teach one of the panel members exercises to strengthen their lower limb. Teach one of the panel members how to use a particular adjunct.
Answers Think before you speak Be concise, structured and honest Give examples from your clinical experience/ placements to make your answer different. Stay positive Sell yourself, make yourself stand out from the other candidates
If you get Stuck Pause Think for a moment Ask for clarification or for the question to be repeated Ask to come back to a question later in interview If you don’t know – be truthful Don’t waffle
Asking Questions Good practice to prepare a couple of questions to ask the panel at end of the interview Don’t interrogate the panel Don’t ask questions already answered in recruitment literature Ensure questions are relevant to post and to the organisation. Don’t ask about salary first
Post Interview Breathe out and relax Analyse what you did well Makes notes ASAP Ask for feedback what ever happens Discuss next steps what ever happens Treat as practice if not successful, everyone improves with practice Stay Positive
GOOD LUCK Any Questions?