The Nineteenth Century (Or current events from the medievalists’ perspective)
The Congress of Vienna, 1815 November 1814-June 1815 -
Before and After the Congress of Vienna
Weird change of meaning for liberalism in the USA= socialism…
French utopian socialism, rationally organized, govern’t controlled society, oposite of laissez faire Rich and poor should be more equal economically Regulation of private property Movement away from court, aristocracy, lawyers, church to leading scientists engineers and industrialists (the good ones, like Robert Owen (1771-1858) textile mills in New Lanark, early 1800s… shops for workers where they could buy goods just above wholesale cost, education for the children of workers, daycare for young children Karl Marx (1818-1883) , Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), Communist Manifesto (1848) -unlike many utopian socialists who appealed to Middle Class for their ideas, Marx believed that the interests of the MC and the working class were opposed to each other (which is true).-- all history = history of class struggles. One class always exploited the other, made worse by IR. MC had triumphed over aristocracy in violent revolutions, so too would the proletariat triumph over the MC. Labour as the source of all value
New Lanark
Springtime of the Peoples
Why Not Britain?