Nationalism: Unification of Italy How does nationalism unify the Italian States?
Nationalism Unifies Italy 1800:Giuseppe Mazzini begins Italian Nationalism movement 1852: King Victor Emmanuel II (liberal) of the Italian state of Sardinia names Camillo di Cavour as his Prime Minister Nationalism Unifies Italy 1858: Di Cavour’s goal is to unify all Italians 1. convinces State of Piedmont to join Sardinia 2. convinces Napoleon III to help drive Austria out of N. Italy Sardinia & France win war, land given to France, Sardinia adds N. Italian states but Austria holds onto Venetian Region Camillo di Cavour Sardinia Sardinia King Victor Emmanuel II
Garibaldi 1860: In Sicily nationalists are led by Giuseppe Garibaldi Garibaldi leads his “red-shirts” against conservatives in S. Italy (Naples), creates Kingdom of Two Sicilies King Vic. Em. & Di Cavour want to meet with Garibaldi Many in So. Italy uneasy about uniting with wealthier Northern Italians Agreement is made to unite So & No Italy with Victor Emmanuel as King, Di Cavour Prime Minister Garibaldi will lead army against Austrians in Venice + given $ Discuss: Why do you think Garibaldi agreed to unification? Garibaldi
Papal States and Kingdom of Italy 1866: Italian army beats Austria and take Venetian region 1870: King VE will meet with Pope to ask him to give up control of Papal states Deal is made, Pope still controlled the Vatican but Rome became the capital of the Kingdom of Italy Rome Pope Pius XI