Calculus Honors and AP Calculus AB Segment 2 Review
Submitting the Assessment These assessments are randomly generated. Your exact questions may not be listed here. (Instructions are for Mrs. Byrnes’ students only.) If you are attending this session live, you will get full credit (if you are participating) for the Segment 2 Practice Exam and Extra Credit on your Segment 2 Exam (or Collaboration Credit). Here’s how: Write the work for the Practice Questions we go over on your own paper. Scan or take a clear digital picture and email me the work. Title your email “Segment 2 Practice” Type in the email “I attended the Live Lesson on DATE” Once I receive your email with your attached work, I will put in a full-credit grade for the assignment. Your extra credit will be added when you complete the Segment 2 Exam. If you are watching a recording of this session, you can follow the steps above to receive full credit for the Practice Exam. But, you may not receive extra credit on the Segment 2 Exam. Let’s do this!
About the Exam 15 multiple choice questions 8 Free Response Essay questions
Saving the review
Reminder (Instructions are for Mrs. Byrnes’ students only. Your teacher may have different requirements.) If you are attending this session live, you will get full credit (if you are participating) for the Segment 2 Practice Exam and Extra Credit on your Segment 2 Exam (or Collaboration Credit). Here’s how: Write the work for the Practice Questions we go over on your own paper. Scan or take a clear digital picture and email me the work. Title your email “Segment 2 Practice” Type in the email “I attended the Live Lesson on DATE” Once I receive your email with your attached work, I will put in a full-credit grade for the assignment. Your extra credit will be added when you complete the Segment 2 Exam. If you are watching a recording of this session, you can follow the steps above to receive full credit for the Practice Exam. But, you may not receive extra credit on the Segment 2 Exam.