HISTORIC TIMELINE by: Jordi and Jaume
PREHISTORIC Iron Age,Broce Age and Neolithic Prehistoric can refer to the of human period of human existence before the availability of those written records.
ROMAN The Roman Empire was the post Republican period of the anancient Roman civilization
SAXON AND VIKING The Angol-Saxon were the population in Britain partly descended from the German trubes
MEDIEVAL Medieval periode, lasted from the 5th to the 15th century. It began with the collapse of the western roman empire and merged in to the renaissane.
16th AND 17th CENTURIES the 17th centuries was the century from january 1, 1.601 to december 31, 1.700 in the gregorian calendar.
18th AND 17th CENTURIES The 19th century was a period in history maked by the collapse of the Spanish, firts and second French Chinese, Holy Roman and Mughal empires.
MODERN Modern history,also referned to as the modern period or the Modern era, os the historiographical approach to the timefram after the postclassical