Don’t Forget… …to Double Space! (or you’ll write a 10pg paper instead of a 5pg paper) …to put your Title at the top of the 1st page of your paper …to put a Hanging Indent on your Works Cited …you can change your screen to 150% to see it better
Your 2nd Draft should look like this: *Double Spaced! Your 2nd Draft should look like this: ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *12pt Times Roman Font! Title Your Name English Mrs. Irish March 5, 2018 ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To get full credit for the 5th page, it needs to go all the way to the BOTTOM of the page Don’t forget to make a hanging indent! Works Cited __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Due Thurs, March 8th!
When you finish your 2nd Draft: 1. Read your paper out loud—correct as you go 2. Put your name and page number in the right corner: Go here: for how to do this 3. Have TWO people read your paper and fill out your Peer and Adult Review paper (these are in your packet) and READ your paper VERY WELL!
From 22 Paragraphs to 5 pages Writing your 2nd Draft From 22 Paragraphs to 5 pages
Get out ALL your paragraphs, Introduction, Conclusion and Works Cited Step 1:
Step 2: Of your 20 paragraphs, choose your best EIGHT paragraphs Write big HEARTS at the top of those pages and set them to the side
Step 3: From what is left, choose the next 3 BEST Put three ??? at the top of those papers and set them aside
Step 4: From what is left, choose the BEST one Write “MAYBE” at the top
On the remaining paragraphs put a frowny face at the top of the page Step 5:
Step 6: Now, put them in ORDER Introduction 8 Heart Paragraphs 1 Maybe Paragraphs 8 Frowny Paragraphs Conclusion Works Cited Step 6:
Number the entire stack 1-23 (just in case it gets out of order) Step 7: Write this number at the very top of the page
Find a picture to go here! Get out a piece of paper and make it look like this: No Title yet? Make one up right now! This can be bigger and a different font if you want Title of Your Paper Step 8: Find a picture to go here! Your Name English 12 Mrs. Irish March 5, 2018
Title Page goes on the front but it doesn’t count as the 5 pages Works Cited page goes at the end but doesn’t count as the 5 pages
Scenario #1: 8 Paragraphs? Title 2 4 6 8 1 5 7 3 If your paragraphs are long, you might only need this many?
Scenario #2: 12 Paragraphs? Title 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 1 4 7 10 If your paragraphs are shorter, you might need this many? (or more?)
Your Homework: Type 2-3 pages a day and turn them in on Classroom: 3 pages due Tuesday 2 pages due Wednesday 2 pages due Thursday and Compile all the pages together to one Doc: 7 pages Due Thursday! (Title page, 5 pages of Text, Works Cited)
Get Started! Open up Google Docs Type your Title Page! Start typing your introduction and then the paragraph after that!