Richland Creek Water Supply Program Program Update Paulding County, Georgia Richland Creek Water Supply Program Program Update Paulding County BOC Meeting June 14, 2016 Speaker: Kelly
Update on 61 Entrance Road and Timber Harvest WTP area harvest is complete Construction Erosion control installed Entrance road under construction Initial grading at WTP site underway Intersection Improvements along Highway 61 initiating GDOT Permit received Stream crossing Permit received Speaker: Kelly
Update on Richland Creek Reservoir Contractor Procurement Six prequalified contractors Bidding among prequalified contractors ongoing (June 24 bids due) Corps of Engineers Preconstruction Conference Held meeting with USACE and USFWS on 06/08/16 Construction Timber harvest for Dam area will commence on 06/15/16 Selected Dam contractor will begin construction in late August / early September Speaker: Kelly
Update on WTPs and Pump Stations Procurement PC has competitively bid all components GMP GMP has been developed and submitted (within program budget) Being presented to BOC today Construction Construction will begin in late August / early September Program Manager Speaker: Kelly
Update on Raw Water Pipeline Design Met with Bartow County to provide update Beginning process of easement acquisition Design is at 60% Construction Construction will begin in Late 2016 and will be complete in late 2017 / early 2018. Speaker: Kelly
Update on Finished Water Pipeline and BPS Design Issued NTP to Atkins Held design kickoff meeting Design will be complete by January Construction Contractor Procurement in early 2017 Construction will begin in March of 2017 and be complete in March 2019 Speaker: Kelly
Program Cost Summary Update Project Element Original Cost Estimate Currently Under Contract 06/09/16 Recommendation Remaining Estimate Revised Cost Estimate Reservoir $ 70,300,000 $ 16,808,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 52,313,000 $ 70,321,000 WTPs and Pump Stations $ 98,800,000 $ 12,221,000 $ 88,295,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,616,000 Raw Water Pipeline $ 9,400,000 $ 9,000,000 $ 400,000 Finished Water Pipeline and BPS $ 36,500,000 $ 2,304,000 $ 1,400,000 $ 29,109,000 $ 32,813,000 Contingency $ 1,850,000 Total $ 215,000,000 $40,333,000 $ 90,895,000 $ 83,711,000
Update on Public Outreach Artwork and Mascot Competition were a success - approximately 40 submissions Winning artwork is on display at the customer service office and Winning Mascot – Becky the Beaver Speaker: Kelly
Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 3 –WTP GMP GMP for the construction of the RCR Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir Intake and Pump Station, and Etowah River Intake and Pump Station Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 3 –WTP GMP PC Construction Inc was brought placed under contract in late 2014 for providing Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services for the Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir Pump Station, and the Etowah River Pump Station Throughout Design they have provided feedback on Construction Cost Construction Schedule Constructability Review Value Engineering / Alternative Concepts Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 3 –WTP GMP CMAR approach has been successful in driving down cost throughout the design process. Design Status PC Cost Estimate 30% Design Estimate $ 98,592,027 60% Design Estimate $ 89,346,725 100% Design GMP $ 86,795,045 Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 3 –WTP GMP 100% of the project has been competitively bid per GEFA Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 3 –WTP GMP Next step under current contract is to award the “Guaranteed Maximum Price” GMP is based on 100% design so contingency level is low GMP does include approximately $741,000 of Contingency and allowance items under the control of Paulding County. Total GMP is $ 86,795,045 Slightly higher (2%) than original element budget due to higher than anticipated electrical contractor cost (occurring throughout the industry). However cost is within the overall program budget contingency. Speaker: Kelly
Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 4 – Program Management Funding Authorization 2 Brown and Caldwell was awarded the Program Management Contract in October of 2014. 4 Year Contract – Initial Funding Authorization was planned to be for the first 12 month period with subsequent funding authorizations to come before the BOC for approval. Efficient management allowed the initial funding to last for 20 months (8 months longer than originally planned). All work is authorized on a Task Order Basis with specific scope and budget authorized by the County for each activity. Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 4 – Program Management Funding Authorization 2 Services Provided During Initial Authorization Procurement Assistance - PC Construction as CMAR Contractor Arcadis for Final Design and Construction Management of Dam and WTP Garney / Croy Design Build Team for Raw Water Pipeline Atkins for Finished Water Pipeline Design GA Power for Power Service for the Etowah River Pump Station Greystone Power for Power Service for the WTP and Reservoir Pump Station Brad Cole for the Highway 61 Entrance and Initial grading contract Reece Logging for the Timber Harvesting Contract Bidding of subcontractors for WTP and Pump Station Project Bidding assistance with Reservoir Contract Contract Management- Management of the various contracts and regular coordination and meetings with teams Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 4 – Program Management Funding Authorization 2 Services Provided During Initial Authorization(cont’d) Public Outreach and Communication Development and maintenance of the website Community Outreach and numerous briefings to civic organizations, cities, and neighboring jurisdictions Outreach to schools (science curriculum, art contest) Regular briefing to WSAB and County Commission on program progress Design Review and Project Coordination Provided design review and coordination of WTP, pump stations, and pipeline contracts Coordinated design to accommodate owners preferences Coordination with distribution system hydraulic modeling as part of master planning process SCADA system coordination Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 4 – Program Management Funding Authorization 2 Services Provided During Initial Authorization(cont’d) Financial Assistance Assisted is establishing State Direct Investment through GEFA Coordinated with GEFA on all loan requirements Preparation and submission of loan draws Development of financial model and plan for program Assistance in setting rates Permitting Assistance Assistance with 404 Permitting and compliance with Permit Bat Assessment Required biological monitoring Historical data analysis and reporting on temperature Coordinated installation of USGS Monitoring Station Speaker: Kelly
New Business Item 4 – Program Management Funding Authorization 2 Anticipated Activities Contract administration for all program contracts Owners agent for the WTP and Reservoir Construction (full time on the site throughout construction) Permit compliance assistance and reporting Program document control Inspection services for the raw water pipeline, finished water pipeline, and Macland Tank projects Bonding assistance including engineering and financial analysis to support bond issue Easement acquisition assistance Organizational assistance – organizational planning, staff training, organizational tools (asset management, cmms system development) Public outreach during construction Speaker: Kelly
Speaker: Kelly