ReConfirm Regional Co-operation Networks for Industrial Modernisation ClusSport The ClusSport thematic partnership for industrial modernisation: the role of ReConfirm in support of the partnership 28/06/2018 Caroline Guillet, inno TSD
Summary Presentation of ReConfirm The case of ClusSport
1. Presentation of ReConfirm
Understanding ReConfirm Role: Operational and implementation arm of the Thematic Smart Specialisation Platform on Industrial Modernisation funded by DG GROW and managed by EASME with the support JRC- S3 Platform. ReConfirm : Regional Co-operation Networks for Industrial Modernisation Objective: Establish industry-driven initiatives across European Regions in the S3 thematic areas (10 thematic areas supported) Methodology: Work as brokers to support interregional partnerships to trigger industrial modernisation through cooperation and co-investments Prepare collaboration & analyses of gaps and opportunities Create matches / complement existing partnerships Prepare co-investment protocols Outcome: Co-investment protocols
ReConfirm approach: creating synergies with other initiatives Source: Idea Consult
ClusSport: ReConfirm offers support to regions to foster market-led interregional cooperation The outcome of the project is to obtain co-investment protocols such as: Common capacity building: equip businesses and entrepreneurs with the skills to develop manage, implement and evaluate solutions for societal challenges Shared technology centres: launch a technology centre with public and private organisations to undertake product research and innovation: promotion of innovation vouchers for SMEs New production lines: develop new production procedures to improve efficiency and profitability Shared training facilities: work together to develop shared facilities and content for training entrepreneurs and researchers Research and development (R&D) cooperation: build innovation in R&D as a platform for improved policy coordination, new networking activities and sharing knowledge Encourage co-investment between businesses and other private entities ClusSport objectives: - Support EU regions committed to generate a pipeline of business investment projects in the sport sector - Follow a bottom-up approach - implemented through interregional cooperation, cluster participation and business involvement as well as aligning specialisation profiles of the partner regions
2. The case of ClusSport
ClusSport Partnership – Timeline Mapping questionnaire of all projects / assets related to sport Coaching the partner regions to prepare a pitch of their best assets Lapland meeting: 12 cooperation project ideas came out 01/2018 01-04/2018 04/2018 05/2018 Mapping of sport regions outside of the partnership realised by SPI 06/2018 Turin meeting: Match-making event to develop and test interregional cooperation projects with business and SMEs 07-08/2018 Finalisation of the co-investment projects 09/2018 Consortium meeting: finalise protocols
ClusSport Partnership – Mapping of project/assets Two-step process: Questionnaire: each region was asked to complete a questionnaire to identify main existing/upcoming projects in the three thematic areas Data analysis: Mapping: thematic maps were created Clustering of results: the results were analysed transversally to enable the emergence of clusters of similar projects Example of a thematic map Example of a clustering
ClusSport Partnership – Coaching the regions in preparing asset pitch presentations Process: Each region chose their one of two best asset(s) and prepared a two-slide presentation One slide was dedicated to the project description (objectives, actors…) One slide was dedicated to opening this project to partnerships (what do we need / what can we offer) 9 regions delivered 16 pitches List of asset pitches
ClusSport Partnership – Cooperation projects Process: Brainstorming at the Lapland workshop to foster the emergence of cooperation projects Each region takes the lead on one or more projects The regions send out calls to other regions to join the partnership and flesh out the cooperation projects. 12 cooperation projects came out from these exchanges Smart sport events for all Smart vital cities / communities Exergames in education Mapping of future technologies and its impact in (sport) applications Smart gyms Fablab for acceleration of innovation Living labs for acceleration of innovation Cross-cluster collaboration to create new value proposition Smart Sport Products Occupational vitality Education in movement / movement in education EU sport education programs (EU masters)
Next meeting: September 2018 ClusSport Partnership – Next steps Turin event objectives: Test and consolidate the cooperation projects (ensure all cooperation projects have a well identified lead, and all interested regions are signed-up) Confront the cooperation project ideas to the market (engage with SMEs) Expected outcomes: Consolidated factsheet working a base for the co-investment protocols Find partners/ businesses to co-develop projects Help business identify investment opportunities Major achievements ClusSport Partnership mapping completed Cooperation projects identified Next steps: Refined cooperation projects Develop co-investment protocols Next meeting: September 2018
Thank you for your attention! ReConfirm Brokers and