2013-2014 UofL SGA
Our Purpose For and By the Students Provide an effective organization for the administration of student affairs Promote and protect student rights and responsibilities Create a stronger bond among students and among all student organizations Provide official channels through which student opinions may be expressed Promote full cooperation among students, administration, faculty, and staff Improve student physical, social, and cultural welfare Safeguard the academic and individual freedoms of the students of the University of Louisville Improve the status of Students in the University community Promote diversity and fairness on campus and in the Student Government Association
We The Students... Governing Documents SGA Constitution- Supreme law of the SGA SGA By-Laws UofLSGA.org under, About, Governing Documents We The Students...
(Office of the President) Structure 3 Branch Checks a Balances System Legislative Executive (Office of the President) Judicial All Part-time and full-time registered students of the University of Louisville are members of the SGA.
Legislative Branch 12 Colleges- Student Senate Nursing (3) Arts & Sciences (11) Business (4) Education (4) Music (2) Speed (4) Public Health (2) Nursing (3) Law (4) Dental (3) Medical (4) Graduate (7) Kent (3)
Legislative Branch Executive Vice President-Serves as the President of the Student Senate ,Resolution(Can't Do), Act(Can do),Bill (Act or Resolution that can relate, 2020 plan Senate Speaker Senate Parliamentarian Senate Historian One President and one Vice President from each council and representatives elected from the academic units of the university have voting powers More info in section 5 of the SGA Constitution
Judicial Supreme Court- Made up of 6 Associate Justices and 1 Chief Justice SGA President nominates to fill vacancies on the Supreme Court Confirmation by the Senate Majority Vote Serve Life Terms
Judicial Responsibilities: Draft Rules of SGA Elections Conduct annual review of election procedures Hear and decide any cases concerning the SGA constitution or By-Laws, and cases concerning any RSO constitutions or By-Laws More info in Section 6 of the SGA Constitution
Executive Branch Student Body President Academic Vice President Executive Vice President Services Vice President Chief of Staff Director of External Affairs Director of Internal Affairs Task Force Freshman Communications Student Life Athletics
Executive Branch Duties: President, EVP, AVP, and SVP serve as the Executive Cabinet Work with SGA budget Director to oversee Expenditures of SGA Make reports to Senate See Section 4 of the SGA constitution
Executive Officers SVP Morgan Jenny President Carrie Mattingly EVP Elizabeth Delaney AVP Grant Ford
Executive Staff Executive Staff positions are created to address and administer specific areas of SGA concern The executive staff positions are hired by the president and managed under the Chief of Staff Executive staff positions and pay must be confirmed through the senate Chief of staff Director of External Affairs Director of Internal Affairs Executive Counsel Assistant to the EVP Assistant to the AVP Assistant to the SVP Commuter relations Chair Political Coordinator Student Athletic Director Assistant Student Athletic Director Director of Communications Assistant Director of Communications TFF Director Assistant TFF Director
Student Activities Board Programming-The Student Activities Board provides social, multicultural, recreational and educational activities for the University's students and other interested members of the UofL. SAB is the programming arm of the Student Government Association and strives to provide quality, fun, and educational events and programs for the ENTIRE student body. Concerts Welcome Week Homecoming Floyd Theater
Engage Lead Serve Board Service Branch-The Engage Lead Serve Board strives to enhance the education of students by providing structured experiential and developmental opportunities that encourage community engagement, model good leadership, and allow active service. Green Initiatives Alternative Breaks Habitat For Humanity, Dance Marathon, Cards for Kids, Best Buddies, and Relay for Life