First Grade Homework Monday, January 21st – Friday, January 25, 2019 Monday 1/21 School Closed – Martin Luther King Jr. Day! We will be working on long vowel CVCe Unit 6.2 pattern and memory words 1-10 (ride, game, side, same, said, only, you, out, of, here. – SPELLING TEST FRIDAY 1/25! Reminders: Reading Homework Log due Tuesday, 1/22 January Scholastic Book Orders due Monday, January 28th Reading Responses due Thursday, January 30th Pizza Orders due this Thursday, January 24th for pizza sale on Friday! Catholic Schools Week Begins this Sunday with Mass at 9:00 am Mass following Open House from 10:00a.m-1:00p.m., please join us! Tuesday 1/22 1. Read for 15 minutes and complete Backpack page 50 Read for fluency (Ettabetta is Seven) 2. Spelling sentences – Write pattern CVCe words 1-4 (ride, game, side, same) in short complete sentences, please add heading (Name and Date) to your spelling homework! 3. Go Math Lesson 6..4 (Make Ten and Ones) pages 353-354 4. Study your Subtraction Math Flash Cards! Wednesday 1/23 Read for 15 minutes and complete Backpack SPELLING list page 51, cut, review, and keep home to study for test on Friday 1/25! Spelling sentences – Write memory words 5-10 (said, only, you, out, of here) in short complete sentences, use your best penmanship and circle your memory words in each sentence! Go Math Lesson 6.5 (Tens) pages 359-360 Thursday 1/24 Pizza Orders Due and Trip Consent forms with Payment, if you haven’t already done so! Read for 15 minutes and complete Backpack memory review page 52 Spelling –Write ALL pattern and Memory words 1-10 (3xs’ each) in spelling notebook, study for test! Go Math Reteach and Review sheet Study your Subtraction Math Flash Cards! Friday 1/25 Pizza Sale Day, students must bring in a beverage to have with their pizza! Reminders: Spelling and Math Subtraction Timed Test today! Read over the weekend and enter the minutes of your reading in your Reading Log -Please join us with Mass on Sunday, January 27 at 9:00 following Open House from 10:00-1:00 p.m.!