Read the Informational article about “The Salem Witch Trials” on page 11 of your textbook What do you think might explain the girls’ symptoms? Would you defend Tituba’s “admitting” to be a witch? Why or why not (remember what happens due to her confessions)? Why do you think people were suddenly coming forward to testify that they were victims of witchcraft? Who were these people more than likely testifying against? What type of individual seemed to be the majority of the “witches”? When finished with 1-4, come grab two articles from me to read. Write down three notes about each person that is relevant to the Salem Witch Trials. If you are unable to get through this portion in class, you may research this person at home (cannot take my articles)—MAKE SURE YOU CITE YOUR SOURCE IF YOU RESEARCH AT HOME. (DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA): Sarah Good Tituba Cotton Mather Giles Corey Senator Joseph McCarthy