IGIC Waters Workgroup Update Indiana GIS Conference May 10, 2017
The Waters Workgroup Our Mission: To develop plans, standards, and technical implementation guidance for the IndianaMap framework surface waters data layers. Scheduled web meetings 4th Wednesday/month Currently, active members represent mostly state and federal agencies and IGIC. Welcome new members Email mmartin@dnr.in.gov to be added to ListServe
National Hydrography Dataset Feature-based database of nation’s surface water drainage system, part of the National Map NATIONAL. Indiana data ties into surrounding states and entire nation. Very important for those mapping/modeling across state lines or watersheds . Also, availability at national map ensures more people/organizations using the same data/speaking the same language. Instead of creating a new data model that would not play nicely with the rest of the country’s surface water data, adopted NHD model Indiana’s framework dataset for surface water. Adopted as Indiana Framework Dataset for Waters
National Hydrography Dataset https://nhd.usgs.in.gov/userguide.html Great resource on the data. Using the NHD viewer to explore and download the data; feature catalog describing all of the different types of flowlines, areas, and waterbodies; KMLs for using the data in Google Earth or Google Maps; using the data in ArcMap.
Improving the NHD for Indiana Update NHD from High-resolution to “Local-resolution” Based upon best available digital orthophotography and elevation data (>=2005, most 2011-13) instead of old 24K Quad topographic maps Updates of physical features (existence, location) since last printing of quad map Data at scale of 1:2,400 or better vs. 1:24,000 Flowlines added to 6-acre drainage basin area Inconsistencies between quads removed Naming of features improved—still much to be done Network topology improved
Improving the NHD for Indiana Update NHD to “Local-resolution” Based upon best available digital orthophotography and elevation data (>=2005, most 2011-13)
First Phase Completed First phase completed in 2016 Data uploaded to USGS National Hydrography Database as full geodatabases including network topology Individual feature classes added to IndianaMap NHD Area—Hydrology/Water Bodies Rivers LocalRes NHD Waterbodies—Hydrology Water Bodies Lakes LocalRes NHD Flowlines—Hydrology Water Bodies Flowlines Classified Local Res and Hydrology Water Bodies Flowlines Unclassified Local Res
NHD Area Features Waterbodies Rivers Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data.
NHD Area Features Waterbodies Rivers LocalRes Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data.
NHD Waterbody Features Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data. Waterbodies Lakes
NHD Waterbody Features Waterbodies Lakes LocalRes NHD Waterbody Features Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data.
NHD Flowline Features Waterbodies Streams Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data. Waterbodies Streams
NHD Flowline Features Waterbodies Flowlines Classified LocalRes Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data.
NHD Flowline Features Waterbodies Flowlines Unclassified LocalRes Completed production late 2016. Available on The National Map and on the IndianaMap shown here. Not all lines are streams, not all areas are lakes. Dave will discuss the different types of features and classifications, and also where to find the data.
IndianaMap Layer Gallery http://maps.indiana.edu/layerGallery.htmls
USGS NHD Downloads https://nhd.usgs.in.gov/data.html
What’s Next for Indiana’s NHD Data The update is just the beginning. Identify and fix errors (Phase 1) Edge matching between HUC 8 boundaries Identifying NHD lines needing trimmed Identifying possible WBD line adjustments Missing and incorrect names for lakes, rivers, streams (Phases 1 & 2) Correcting known GNIS Name mistakes made during conflation Will be setting up a Naming App to get submissions from locals for Unnamed streams/waterbodies Will work with local officials through State GNIS Names workgroup Need to follow USGS Naming guidelines Classification of the unclassified flowlines (Phase 3) USGS still working on feature classification Recommended “INFERRED” drainage from Indiana Where streams are not defined by banks but elevation data shows drainage Headwater Upland farmers fields Easy part done. 2.4 million features in flowlines alone. 6-acre stream delineation automated using best terrain data; some anomalies. Attribution by conflation, some judgement based on best imagery. QC done throughout production by subbasin, and again when submitted to USGS, but... * Identify and fix errors: taking a close look now along the subbasin boundaries looking for issues. Because users may come across possible errors, planning to develop an online tool for submitting errors to be reviewed. *Names: All new features will not have a name, some old features may have an incorrect name. Online tool for submitting names of features; if not in GNIS, will need to go through process. *Classification: asked USGS to add “inferred drainage” as a flowline type. Hoping to develop an automated way to best determine perennial, intermittent, ephemeral, inferred; ground-truthing not feasible for entire dataset.
Watershed Boundaries Update watershed boundaries (Related project) USGS is taking our recommendations for HUC 4 boundaries and making changes per NHD Plus updates Our recommendations have been submitted Accepted recommendations should be updated in the next couple weeks IDEM/DNR will be doing update recommendations for HUC 8 boundaries
Questions? Mike Martin Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources mmartin@dnr.in.gov 317-232-4068 Bob Wilkinson Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources rnwilkinson@dnr.in.gov 317-234-1094
The Waters Workgroup 2017 Goals Assist State GIO with identification, development and training of NHD and WBD Sub-stewards. Support Sub-stewards to maintain NHD administration role from USGS to support Indiana’s ongoing maintenance efforts. Support NHD/WBD Maintenance tasks for GNIS names and other data stewardship activities. Work with NRCS, USGS and GIO to develop a WBD HUC-8, 10, 12, 14 Local-Resolution updates and stewardship plan. Develop grant opportunities to help advance the creation, use and applications of local-resolution NHD data. Develop grant opportunities to help advance and assist with the incorporation of the local-resolution NHD data into StreamStats. Highlight success stories of using the local resolution NHD and WBD in projects. Identify funding sources for updates and maintenance of local resolution NHD and WBD data. Continue to create and sponsor “Using the NHD and WBD” education webinars and workshops.