Arno KASCHL DG Environment Update GMES & floods Arno KASCHL DG Environment 16 February 2011
What is GMES? GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment & Security
Where are we heading with GMES? GMES Regulation (EU No. 911/2010) has entered into force 9 November 2010! establishes a Programme gives money for Operations („GMES initial operations“ 2011-13), on top of research! Establishes User Forum This is a game changer: away from R&D, towards operational services & products!
Some relevant products for floods, e. g Some relevant products for floods, e.g. Preparatory action on reference data Tender 2009 (€2 MIO) in support of land monitoring/emergency services: DEM over Europe: 38 countries, 1 arcsec horizontal resolution, average 5 m vertical resolution freely accessible! (2) Hydrographic layer: homogeneous European wide coverage of a hydrographical network that is fully connected, geometrical accuracy consistent with the resolution scale (1:100.000 to 1:250.000 range) based on ECRINS, and CCM (JRC), basins from 5 -500 km2 (100 km2 on average), incorporated lakes and dams A step towards integration of various existing datasets and convergence to single reference at EU level enables considerable improvement of spatial modelling for Community environmental policies MS reporting under WFD directive in WISE DEM: commercial product NEXTmap Europe 1m vertical resolution
Some relevant products for floods, e. g Some relevant products for floods, e.g. Initial operations Land Monitoring Pan-European Land Cover services (€17 MIO, 2011-2013) to produce up to 5 High Resolution layers of dominant land-cover classes EEA39 (wall to wall coverage) Spatial resolution 20x20m, MMU 1 ha „Imperviousness“: sealing density, builtup areas (change) Forests: cover, type, crown density Small Waterbodies Wetlands: RAMSAR def., pressures/changes Grasslands: natural/cultivated intensity/dynamics to ensure the continuity of CORINE Land Cover time series; and to support the harmonisation effort of MS for aggregating their national products at European level Coordinated by EEA
Some relevant products for floods, e.g. URBAN ATLAS 300+ larger urban zones, CORINE classes Repeat of 2009 exercise in 2012 in addition, further action on biodiversity-relevant zones envisaged (up to €3MIO) „Zooming on hotspot areas“ Ca. 50x50 km Based on multispectral VHR 2.5m satellite data MMU = 0.25ha Positional Accurarcy: 5m €3 MIO
Some relevant products for floods, e.g. SAFER project
Some relevant products for floods, e. g Some relevant products for floods, e.g. emergency actions in initial operations €12 MIO 2011-13 “SAFER follow on” (i) emergency response maps (rush mode impact, damage, follow evolution of disaster in the hours and days after the crisis (ii) geographic reference maps, basic topographic on area, especially infrastructure (2) Prevention (EWS):Contribution to EFAS (European Flood Alert System) (i) Twice-daily pan-European flood forecasts provided to MS national and regional hydrological services, and the European Commission (ii) A daily updated pan-European overview at low scale of ongoing floods available on a public website
User Involvement in GMES User Forum In the past, GMES mostly provider-driven. New framework enables to better bring in users! „User Forum“ in GMES Regulation advises EC on defining and validating user requirements a focus on public users on a thematic basis (Land monitoring, Atmosphere, Marine,..) thematic facilitators such as ENV, EEA (plus EIONET) and national processes to underpin the User Forum
User Involvement in GMES DG ENV ambition for GMES: technology programme environmental info reporting requirements Need to make user needs of particular communities clear -> YOU! This has been a first step: an awareness raising, communication campaign For the future, (i) establising the links at national level Link to GMES coordinator Or GMES User Forum representative in your country (ii) use collective feedback from European groups such as yours