ESDEN - modernisation of data exchange in the ESS Item 4.1 of agenda EVUG meeting 2015 Alvaro Diez Soto, Eurostat (B3)
Introduction Objectives of the project Status of the project Facts on data exchange Challenges on the data exchange Modernisation of the data exchange
Objectives of the project Cross cutting project of the ESS.VIP programme to: Provide value added services for exchange of confidential and non-confidential statistical data among ESS partners Define the communication backbone for the future ESS common infrastructure Support business needs expressed in the ESS.VIP projects
Schedule of the project Phase 1: Development of SIMSTAT communication infrastructure ESDEN feasibility study Phase 2: Evolution of the network architecture Integration of SIMSTAT developments Phase 3: Migration to the new communication infrastructure SISAI-Metadata Working Group meeting 8-9.6.2015
Status of the project SIMSTAT network infrastructure delivered on time for the pilot exchange Ongoing support to the countries for the data exchange
Facts on data exchange – EDAMIS data exchange 2014 (files vs volume)
Facts on data exchange – EDAMIS vs SIMSTAT 2015 (during SIMSTAT pilot exchange)
Challenges on the data exchange Interface EWP EWA Communication Protocols (HTTP, FTP) Programs (STATEL) Infrastructure Hardware IT environments Networks (Internet, sTESTA,CCN)
Challenges at infrastructure level Central EDAMIS infrastructure complex and spread across different IT environments Specific platform requirements in the Member States Integration and usage of secure networks vs Internet (infrastructure security vs secure protocols)
Challenges at communication level FTP protocol should be abandoned Security provided at application level (STATEL) and not based on secure protocols Difficulty to maintain and update the software (STATEL, STATEL GW)
Challenges at interface level Java not supported in future browsers Synchronisation of DBs between EWAs and Eurostat becoming more and more complex Duplication of interfaces and functionalities increase the maintenance and support costs impacting the user experience
Modernisation of data exchange - Infrastructure Rationalisation of IT environments in Eurostat Platform independent requirements for the Member States Flexible infrastructure connected to Internet and secure networks
Modernisation of data exchange - Communication Creation of a Web Service based gateway: Usage of HTTPS for communication Exposing methods for put, get, list and retrieve the status of a data exchange Available over Internet and secure networks Creation of supporting documentation for integration in the data providers Creation of a reference implementation client: JAVA version of a simple client to access the Web Service based gateway Open source code to be provided to the data providers
Modernisation of data exchange - Interfaces Pilot project for non-java based version of Web Forms (HTML5 based) Non-java based version of the secure upload form EWP to be available via secure networks (for those countries with restricted security policies not allowing internet connection) Rationalisation of web interfaces avoiding duplicity of functionalities
ESDEN – next steps Set up of the steering committee to guide the project (Member States involvement) Approval of ESSC for phase 2 Pilot project on Web forms and creation of WS based infrastructure ESSNet for the creation of future interfaces and modernisation of the data exchange
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