Creating Our Fantasy Team Sports Marketing
PowerPoint Guidelines 7 slides minimum: Cover slide (product name & student names) Location Mascot Team Name Team Colors Logo Conclusion/wrap-up slide EMAIL TO HVANDYKE@LCPS.ORG USE MY SAMPLE AS AN EXAMPLE – INCLUDE DETAILS FROM SAMPLE
Cover Slide - example My Fantasy Team Ms. VanDyke
Location slide – example Where is your team located? Why did you pick this location? Photo of location
Mascot Slide – example What is your mascot? Why did you chose this mascot? Describe your mascot/photo Mascot name
Team Name Slide – example Why did you pick this team name? What does the name mean? Is the name universal across all age groups? Team chants/cheers
Team Color Slide – example What are your team colors? Why did you pick these colors? Are these common color themes around your area? We will design products next class … keep colors in mind
Logo Slide – example What is your logo? Why did you pick this logo? What does the logo mean? Does your logo match your team name & mascot? Photo of your logo
Conclusion Slide - example Location Mascot Team Name Team Colors Logo