*** REQUIREMENTS *** Do not modify the size of this template. Respect the indications, if you do not follow the instructions indicated we can not guarantee the correct display of your poster in the congress. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POSTER Use this template to make your Poster. Remember, do not change the size of the template (52x85), nor its orientation. Do not delete the congress banner. Create your poster with 1 Slide. Letter size equal to or greater than 26 pts. Letter size in graphics and legends greater than 22 pts. If you create the graphic with a font greater than 22 pts and then reduce it to insert it in the poster, you have reduced the letter and it will not be read. You have to create the letter of the chart when you already have the size of the adapted chart. Typography: use the Verdana or Arial font. We recommend not using bold or italic text, it reads worse. Select a plain background without ornaments. Background color that contrasts with the letters of the text. PowerPoint effects and videos are not supported. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAVING YOUR POSTER Once you have modified this file, click on "save as" and enter your name as your poster number. The type of format to select must be "PDF format. You must export only the first slide. It should not weigh more than 3MB *** DELETE THIS TEXT BOX TO MAKE YOUR POSTER ***